Has a colleague recently supported you, helped you in a pinch, or just gave you a smile?

Sharing that gratitude has benefits for you and those around you. You can practice gratitude by using one of the Department of Medicine's gratitude cards below. 

How it works:

  • See your division administrator for physical cards you can share with your colleagues.
  • Choose one and use the space on the back to write a handwritten message of appreciate or gratitude.
  • Hand deliver it to the person—you'll make their day!

Work remotely or don't have access to a physical card? Copy one of the images below, paste it into an email along with your message, and send it off!

Want to get your own set of cards? Contact Brennan Woodall about making an order.

DOM gratitude card image - dog
DOM gratitude card image - flowers
DOM gratitude card image - puzzle
DOM gratitude card image - shoes