This multi-PI, theme-specific pilot award provides investigators with up to $100,000 for one year to support investigators in developing multidisciplinary proposals based on specific research topics. The purpose of this pilot is to collect preliminary data for upcoming grant submission while fostering collaboration across Department of Medicine (DOM) divisions.

By applying for these funds, the PIs agree to submit a large collaborative research grant (more than $500,000/year in direct cost), led by DOM investigators across two or more divisions, within six months of concluding the pilot award period.

Proposals must address the specific Team Science theme of Nutrition and Healthy Aging. Research responsive to this topic may target areas such as:

  • Normal aging research as it relates to aging and dementia
  • Diabetes and complications thereof (e.g., diabetic cardiomyopathy)
  • Nutritional interventions to improve metabolic function and/or lifespan
  • The study of nutrient-responsive signaling pathways
  • Non-Alzheimer's Disease related neuropathologies

Proposals focused on Alzheimer's Disease (AD) are not eligible for this funding; however, research activities may propose the use of Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC) resources and core facilities.

Application Deadlines

Letter of Intent:

  • A Letter of Intent (LOI) indicating an interest in applying for the team science pilot is due by 5:00pm (CST) on March 1, 2025. The LOI must include the project title, names of PIs, their departments and a project abstract. The abstract should be no more than one-fourth of a page.

Full Applications:

  • Applications must be submitted as a single PDF file by 5:00 pm (CST) on April 1, 2025. Applications without an associated LOI will not be considered. Late applications will not be considered.

The Award Period will be: July 1, 2025 – June 30, 2026.

Letters of intent and full applications can both be submitted using this form.

Applicant Eligibility
  • At least one PI must be a professor or associate professor in the tenure or CHS track and have a primary appointment in DOM.
  • The project must have two or more PIs.
  • The team must include two or more divisions within DOM.
  • All investigators must be eligible to serve as PI for a large research, program or center grant at the start of the grant period.
  • Applications are welcomed from basic, clinical, health services and translational investigators.
  • Applications are welcomed from teams with an established history of collaboration, as well as newly formed collaborations.

Proposals primarily focused on infrastructure and training grants are not eligible.

Budget Considerations

The maximum award amount is $100,000 for a period of one year.

  • Applicants may budget typical project costs, except for faculty salary and travel related to meetings, conferences and/or training.
  • Travel directly associated with conducting the project is allowable (e.g., conducting assessments or experiments at another facility or field work).
  • Expenses such as core facility fees and animal housing costs are allowable.
  • Student, postdoctoral, research associate and staff salaries for DOM personnel are allowable. However, no salary for personnel without a primary appointment in DOM will be allowed.
  • Collaborators from outside of DOM are welcome and encouraged to be part of the team, but all expenditures from this award must be within DOM labs.

DOM expects that divisions/centers/units allow faculty release time to conduct the research.  

Proposal Requirements

Proposals should consist of the following and applicants should compile all components into a single PDF in this order for submission purposes:

  1. Cover page including:
    • Project title
    • PI names
    • Departments/divisions
  2. Specific Aims page (one page)
  3. Research Strategy (five page maximum)
  4. Bibliography/References
  5. Budget (use the linked template, download spreadsheet from Box)
  6. Budget justification
  7. NIH-style Biographical sketch for all PIs and co-investigators (five-page maximum for each)
  8. NIH-style Other Support page for all PIs and co-investigators
  9. Funding Plan and Team Description (one page)
    • Describe which agency and potential RFA you plan to submit to
    • Describe the collaborative nature of the investigators and their roles in the research
  10. Support letter from the division chief for each PI
Review Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by the DOM Study Section and funding recommendations will be provided to the DOM Research Council for funding approval. The DOM Research Council makes final funding decisions. Proposals should be written for a general scientific audience.

Review criteria will include:

  • Impact
  • Significance
  • Innovation
  • Quality and feasibility of the research plan
  • Research expertise or potential of the applicant(s)
  • Potential for external funding
  • Presence of matching funds from other sources (applicant, division, etc.)
Conditions of Award
  • Funds will not be released until documentation of appropriate Institutional Review Board approval (IRB, IACUC, etc.) has been provided, if applicable.
  • Funds are to be expended during the approved budget period. Requests for a budget extension will be limited, require detailed justifications, and will be highly scrutinized. Requests must be directed to the DOM Research Council and emailed to at least 60 days prior to the end of the award. Extension requests must provide progress on the research to date, an explanation of the research to be completed, and a detailed justification for why the extension is necessary.
  • All resultant publications and presentations should acknowledge funding from DOM.
  • All resultant applications to external funding agencies must be routed through the University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine. This is necessary to ensure that indirect costs are directed back to DOM to support the department’s research initiatives and activities.
  • Awardees may be invited to present a seminar at the weekly DOM Grand Rounds or similar venue.
  • Awardees must present results of this work in poster or talk formats at the annual DOM Research Day.
  • A final progress report is due 30 days after the close of the pilot project period. The report (maximum of two pages) must contain a synopsis of scientific progress, a list of resulting collaborations, publications and grants, and a description of the relationship of the project to DOM. Failure to do so will disqualify PI from all future DOM funding mechanisms.


For more information, please visit the Office of Research Services intranet page or email us at