This award provides a maximum of $10,000 for a one-year period. The purpose of this award is to generate essential preliminary data for a manuscript or grant submission, thereby increasing the chances of securing future research funding. DOM excludes salary support from the award.  

Applicant Eligibility

  • All investigators with a primary faculty appointment in DOM are eligible.  
  • Applicants must be eligible to submit an R01 as a PI at the start of the grant period.  
  • An individual may submit only one pilot proposal as a PI per year.  
  • Investigators may submit applications from basic, clinical, health services, and translational science.  
  • The DOM Research Council follows the NIH proposal model and allows investigators an initial application and one resubmission for funding consideration. Investigators may resubmit unfunded proposals found to have merit only once.  
  • Applicants who are recipients of other DOM pilot funds during the last 3 years are ineligible.  

Proposal Requirements

Proposals should consist of the following and the applicant should compile them into a single PDF in this order for submission purposes:  

  1. Abstract (1 page max)
  2. Summary of the need for pilot funding (i.e., how the investigator will translate funding into new research, and the outcome of any other funding sources considered for this purpose.) 
  3. Budget (use the linked template, download spreadsheet from Box)
  4. Budget justification
  5. If in the scientist track:  
    • Eligibility justification (1 page maximum)  
    • Outline of the pathway to independence and a detailed description of how the research plan is different from that of the scientist’s current PI/mentor  
  6. Project milestones and future funding plans with a Gantt chart describing the timeline for external proposal submission (1 page maximum)  
  7. Letter confirming provision of matching and/or support funds, if applicable 

If applicable, applicants must also provide copies of review board approval letters along with corresponding approval dates. Approval letters are to be uploaded individually and separately from the proposal. If review board approvals are pending, applicants will need to provide submission dates and ARROW ID numbers. Alternatively, applicants are given the option to indicate the project has not been submitted for review yet or does not require it.

Review Criteria

Awards will be based on a general assessment of the overall impact of the research. The DOM Research Council will only consider funding proposals with a clear path to the stated deliverable.