Gifts are only allowable for the life events noted below. All gifts are limited to a maximum of $100.

No gift cards, gift certificates or cash equivalents of any value are allowed.

Flowers (Memorial)

Use UW Health funds.

Flowers (or memorial in lieu of flowers) can be provided to employees in acknowledgement of death whenever an employee makes the company aware of the passing of an immediate family member.* 

* Immediate family member: spouse, domestic partner, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, child, brother, sister, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, step-parents, step-child, step-brother, step-sister.

  • UW Health employee: Any flower orders or memorials within the scope of this policy should be submitted by a supervisor and processed through UW Heath Human Resources. Please complete a flower request through the Service Now, HR box. (How to create a HR Service Request)
  • Non-UW Health employee: It is permissible for departments to budget funds for non UW Health employees for this purpose, please reach out to your division administrator for approval. If approved, use your division's UW Health corporate credit card for payment.

Full UW Health Policy

Graduation Gifts

Use UW Health funds.

  • Gift suggestions: Bucky statuette, framed photo of Madison skyline, clock (for more detail, see DOM Graduation Gift Options (PDF).
  • Framed certificates are excluded from the gift allowance.
  • Gifts above & beyond $100.00 are permitted if by faculty donation.

For detailed recruitment guidance please visit Clinician Faculty Recruitment Expense Budget Guidelines

Staff Relations

The Clinical Academic Department Staff Relations Supplemental Guide (Addendum A of Policy 1.64, effective July 1, 2023) provides guidelines and procedures for staff relations.

If you are uncertain about a planned purchase, please reach out to your Department’s Accounting Contact as an initial resource. 

Retirement & Farewell Gifts/Events

UW Health-provided retirement gifts for UW Health employees can be found on UConnect: Retirement Recognition

UW Health funds can no longer be used for an event related to a retirement / farewell event for any employee of UW Health or SMPH. Use UW funds or take a collection.

If doing a collection, the rules below do not apply. If using UW funds, follow all guidelines below.

In all cases, an Official Functions form must be completed and approved prior to any expenses incurred. 

These forms should be filled out and then sent to your accountant at least 3 weeks prior to the event. The fiscal team will handle the Docusign process and route for signatures. 

No purchase can be made for this event PRIOR to receiving approval from the fiscal team. All expenses must be processed through SMPH. 

Years of Service in the Department

To be eligible for events/gifts, faculty/staff must be 20% appointment or higher. 


  • Less than 5 years: No Department/Division/unit funds are available per SMPH Policy
  • 5-9 years: The Department/Division/unit will reimburse up to $100 towards gift and up to $100 for food
  • 10-15 years: The Department/Division/unit will reimburse up to $100 towards gift and food for the event at $25/per person up to $1,000 total expense
  • 15+ years and retirements: The Department/Division/unit will reimburse up to $100 towards gift and food for an event at up to $25/per person (no maximum) 

University/Academic/Limited Staff: 

  • Less than 5 years: No Departmental funds are available per SMPH Policy
  • 5-9 years: The Department/Division/unit will reimburse up to $100 for food
  • 10-15 years: The Department/Division/unit will reimburse up to $100 towards gift and will reimburse up to $100 for food
  • 15+ years and retirements: The Department/Division/unit will reimburse up to $100 towards gift and food for an event at up to $25/per person up to $500 total expense 

When the department funds up to $100 for a gift (including tax, shipping, etc); the total cost can exceed $100, but can only reimburse up to $100. Funds over the initial $100 will need to be personal funds collected by the division. 

If the cost of the item is over the $100 limit, the charge MUST be made on a personal credit card; sunshine fund credit/debit cards are not allowed. 

Gift Ideas

  • UW Logo items
  • Bucky
  • Photo/Artwork
  • UW Captain’s Chair
  • UW Terrace Chair 

If food is desired, the division would need to submit a preapproval form with the anticipated expense and adhere to UWH and SMPH food guidelines like individual servings. 

If alcohol is requested, additional information will need to be provided. 

An event meal-payment form, attendee list, and agenda or event announcement will also be needed for pcard statement reconciliation or E-reimbursements. 

Additional Information

It continues to be permissible for employees to coordinate and pool personal resources to recognize other significant life events such as marriages, births, illness or to supplement contributions beyond the corporate limit for memorials or to recognize the death of individuals who fall outside the immediate family member definition.   

It is also permissible for departments to budget funds for non UW Health employees for this purpose with the approval of the UW Health Finance Department as part of our normal budget approval process. 

The complete UW Health policy can be found at: UW Health policy 1.64