Personal Data
This information is automatically pulled onto the website from campus HR databases.
- Update your preferred name
- Update your degree: contact your HR business partner (the system includes academic degrees at the master's level and above, not undergraduate degrees and professional credentials)
- Update your division, title and contact information: contact your HR business partner
Bio Narrative
- Submit bio updates. Do this ASAP after you start, and each year before your annual review.
See Headshots section below.
Division Content
Landing Page
- Division chief or administrator reviews each year or when changes occur.
- Request updates with this form.
Our People Pages
- Division chief or administrator reviews main Our People page each year or when changes occur. Page includes the division chief, section chiefs, APP supervisor, division administrator and executive assistant only.
- Request updates with this form.
- Subpages with faculty and APP lists are automatically generated from HR data.
Work With Us Page
- Division chief or administrator reviews each year or when changes occur.
- Coordinate with your faculty recruiter first and request updates with this form.
Distinctive Clinical Programs Page
- Division chief or administrator reviews annually.
- Identify brief highlights of your top 3-5 clinical programs. Include text, photos, and links to UW Health program pages.
- Request updates with this form.
More about Patient and Referring Physician Marketing
During the session, you'll be able to choose and approve your headshot in real time. If requested, we can edit, export and send you the final image for personal use before you leave.
We will upload your headshot to the website with others in a batch process every one to two weeks.
We follow institutional branding for all headshots and cannot accept selfies. If you work fully remotely outside the region, follow these headshot standards to self-submit an official photo for approval.
Plan on getting a new headshot at least every five years.
Fellowship Content
Fellowship director and manager reviews all content between March and July of each year.
Follow the Box checklist we provide for needed text, photo and video updates.
Lab and Research Program Content
New PIs
Contact the Comms team before you start.
Please do not create lab websites using external web hosts or site builders. These sites do not meet campus or department branding and accessibility guidelines.
- Have currently funded research (as a PI, co-I or part of team science) or be successful in philanthropy
- Not currently funded, but between grants or has actively been applying in the past 3 years
- Not currently funded, but building career and has a clear, defined business purpose for the page
- A structured page on the DOM website. First step for all PIs. Fill out this lab page template and return to the Comms team.
- A standalone site through the campus WiscWeb service. We will guide you through the setup, though you are responsible for all maintenance. Also fill out this shortened lab page template, so we can include a page and link out on the DOM site.
Existing PIs
- Principal investigator reviews content annually.
- Identify text and photo updates, keeping the existing page structure, and request updates with this form.
Photos and Videos
Review photos and videos annually or when changes occur.
Follow the guidance on our Photography or Videography pages. Then schedule a production meeting to discuss plans and schedule shoots.
Residency Content
Current residents: Update in the web system on July 1.
Faculty, chiefs and staff: Request updates with this form before July 1.
Graduate success: Update placement documents in Box before July 1.
Scholarly activity: Update documents in Box twice per year.
All other updates: Coordinate with program director first and then request updates with this form.