Career Development Grant Writing Workshop

Event Date: -
In-person Location: MFCB Gordon Boardroom 5156

Offered by the DOM's Office of Research Services, the workshop prepares attendees to write and submit K grants or other career development proposals. 

To qualify, applicants must:

  • Be DOM faculty, staff, or trainees (i.e. assistant or associate professors, scientists, senior fellows, or other applicable positions)
  • Not have been a PI on a federally funded career development award (NIH, DOD, or NSF) or NOH R01 grant proposal 
  • Have demonstrated interest in obtaining extramural funding
  • Have a minimum of a rudimentary draft of an Aims page

Each three-hour session will include a general how-to discussion, breakout sessions for peer review and feedback, and an opportunity for further group questions and discussion. 

Topics Schedule

  • September 13, 2024: Aims Page
  • September 20, 2024: Research Strategy
  • September 27, 2024: Preparing for the training of a K Award and Career Development
  • October 4, 2024: Accessory documents, letters of Support, and Biosketches

For consideration, please visit the application website. Applicants are asked to provide the following as a single PDF when applying:

  1. A cover letter addressing experience with submitting career development proposals and individual goals with participation in this program
  2. A NIH Biosketch a maximum of five pages in length. (You may use the Personal Statement to describe how this training will benefit you)
  3. A draft Aims page

The application submission will close Friday, August 30, 2024