Faculty and learners shine at 2022 ACP-Wisconsin Scientific Meeting

In keeping with a tradition of excellence, University of Wisconsin Department of Medicine learners and faculty presented lectures and posters, and received several awards, at the annual American College of Physicians (ACP) Wisconsin Chapter Scientific Meeting, held in Wisconsin Dells on September 9-10, 2022.
Faculty awards
Heidi Twedt, MD, FACP, clinical professor, General Internal Medicine, received the Helen Dickie Award for Outstanding Woman Physician from the chapter this year. Given in honor of renowned UW clinician and professor Helen Dickie, this award recognizes a woman physician with a distinguished career including leadership, exceptional patient care and medical education and/or research. In addition to receiving her award, Dr. Twedt gave a lecture at the conference titled “The Battle on Note Bloat: Efficiency in Note Writing.”
Laura Zakowski, MD, FACP, professor, General Internal Medicine, received the 2022 chapter award for Distinguished Internist of the Year. This award recognizes a career distinguished by diligent effort of remarkable achievements in medical practice.
Above, center-right: Heidi Twedt, MD, FACP, received the Helen Dickie Award for Outstanding Woman Physician at the 2022 ACP-Wisconsin Scientific Meeting. Pictured with her, left to right: Ann Maguire, MD, MPH, FACP, chapter governor; Christine Seibert, MD, FACP, professor, General Internal Medicine, and associate dean for medical student education and services, UW School of Medicine and Public Health; Ryan Mire, MD, FACP, current ACP president. Credit: American College of Physicians Wisconsin Chapter.
Learner presentations and posters
Internal medicine resident Mazen Almasry, MBBS, presented a case vignette presentation titled “Hypercalcemia as a manifestation of pneumocystis pneumonia in a patient with post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.” Keshvi Chauhan, MBBS, was awarded runner-up for her vignette presentation “Could it be Botulism?”
Pictured above, center: Dr. Holbert discusses her poster with conference attendees. Credit: Andy Coyle, MD, associate professor, General Internal Medicine, and program director, Internal Medicine Residency.
In addition, twenty-one residents presented posters at the conference:
- Caroline Burkey, MD, presented “Secondary Angiosarcoma: An Underappreciated Consequence of Radiation Therapy for Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivors”
- Alex Carlson, MD, presented and received third place for “Symptomatic Hypercalcemia Nearly a Decade After Lung Transplant”
- Molly Cole, MD, presented and received first place for “Why so Blue? A Case of Severe Methemoglobinemia and Concurrent Methylene Blue Allergy”
- David Deemer, MD, presented “Be it Fahrenheit or Centigrade: A Case of Clopidogrel-Induced Drug Fever”
- Lucas Faas, MD, presented “Not Your Typical Abdominal Pain: Rituximab Induced Vasculitis Flare” and “Elevated Bile Salts in Early Pregnancy”
- Marley Foertsch, MD, presented “When the Cure Becomes the Cause: 77-Year-Old Readmitted for Fever on Antibiotics”
- Quarshie Glover, MD, presented “A Case of Migratory Polyarthritis”
- Kelsey Holbert, MD, presented “There Must Be Something in the Water: A Case of Legionnaires’ Disease”
- Johnny Katz, MD, presented “COVID-Associated Anca-Vasculitis: Implications on Therapy”
- Alaina Kelly, MD, presented "The Telomeres Tell All: A Case of Short Telomere Syndrome in a Patient with Pancytopenia, Cryptogenic Cirrhosis, and Interstitial Lung Disease"
- Matt Konz, MD, presented "Clinical and Ethical Considerations of Acute Automimmune Liver Failure"
- Danielle McQuinn, MD, presented “EBV Viremia: A Red Herring, a Harbinger and a Driver of Extranodal NK/T-Cell Lymphoma Presenting as Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)”
- Eric Mehlhaff, MD, presented “Paraneoplastic Cushing Syndrome: A Case of Recurrent Small Cell Lung Cancer”
- Joshua Morney, MD, presented "Pembrolizumab Induced Endocrinopathy"
- Emily Murnin, MD, presented “Left Elbow Pain and Swelling in an Immunosuppressed Host: Infection or Something More Sinister?”
- Raul Ocampo Landa, MD, MPH, presented “A Likely Case of Daptomycin Induced Acute Eosinophillic Pneumonia”
- Geralyn Palmer, MD, presented “Thinking Outside the Parenchyma: A Case of Primary Pulmonary Angiosarcoma”
- Zak Schwerzer, MD, presented “A Case of Reversible Complete Heart Block in Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Associated Myocarditis”
- Nadia Sweet, MD, presented “Kikuchi Disease: A Rare Cause of Cervical Lymphadenopathy, Rash and Arthritis”
- Kevin Titus, MD, presented “Why Doctors Don’t Have to Hate Their Computers: Using Standardized Automatic Note Templates to Improve Documentation and Efficiency”
Drs. Chauhan, Cole, and Foertsch also participated as a team in the Medical Jeopardy Competition.
Maggie Walker, MD, MPH, participated in the Narrative Medicine Competition.
Above: the Medical Jeopardy Competition in action, organized and coordinated by Blair Golden, MD, MS, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine, and liaison for the ACP-WI Council of Resident Fellow Members. Credit: Sean O'Neill, MD, FACP, FHM, associate clinical professor, Hospital Medicine, and associate program director, Internal Medicine Residency.
Faculty lectures
In addition to Dr. Twedt, three department members gave lectures at the conference:
- Sarah Donohue, MD, fellow, Rheumatology, presented “Closing the Gap: Overcoming Gender Bias in Residency Training and Beyond”
- Nasia Safdar, MD, PhD, FACP, professor, Infectious Disease, presented “All Things COVID”
- Siobhan D. Wilson, MD, PhD, FACP, clinical assistant professor, General Internal Medicine, co-presented “2022-2023 Update in Internal Medicine” and “ACP Module: Obesity Management Series”
Thank you
Many thanks to the faculty, residents and UW SMPH students for participating in the conference and for representing our department and institution so well!
And a special thank you to the faculty leaders and mentors not already named who were integral in making this year a success: Lynn Schnapp, MD, ATSF, George R. and Elaine Love Professor and chair of the Department of Medicine; Prabhav Kenkre, MD, clinical professor, Hospital Medicine; and Josh Shapiro, MD, assistant clinical professor, Hospital Medicine.
Banner: UW Department of Medicine residents and faculty at the ACP-WI chapter meeting. Credit: Nadia Sweet, MD, Trowbridge Endowed Primary Care Track Chief Resident.