Collaborating to Improve Transplant Outcomes

Investigators in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology collaborate with those in the University of Wisconsin (UW) Departments of Surgery and Family Medicine and Community Health to make advances in liver transplantation for persons with liver disease and alcohol use disorder.

John Rice in hallway with colleague


A key effort by the group is to study the initial selection process and post operation outcomes of patients with alcohol-associated liver disease who receive early liver transplantation.

This work is part of the American Consortium of Early Liver Transplantation-Prospective Alcohol-associated liver disease Cohort Evaluation (ACCELERATE-PACE), a multi-center study funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) that leverages cohorts at four R01 sites—including UW—to identify strategies most helpful to prevent return to alcohol use and to optimize long-term health after transplant.

Dr. Lucey talks with a patient in a clinical setting

Key Investigators

Research focus: alcohol-related liver disorders and transplant

Research focus: advanced liver disease and transplantation

Research focus: recurrence of alcoholic liver disease in post-transplant patients


closeup of a male scientist in white lab coat working in the lab

Help Us Transform Medicine

You can help support research by making a gift to the Department of Medicine's UW Liver and Digestive Disease Center Fund.