Grand Rounds will resume in September
Language Matters: Mental Health
Even if used unintentionally, stigmatizing language can harm patient/client interactions and result in driving patients and clients away from care. Join this three-part Language Matters series on weight and obesity, substance use, and mental health to learn about how the use of mindful language can aid in having better interactions with patients and clients and reduce barriers to HIV care, and to practice new language to increase comfort. Participate in one or more of this three-part webinar series to join the discussion on mindful language.
Syphilis and Native Populations
Syphilis rates are climbing across the US, including in rural areas, while Native populations disproportionately bear the burden. Similarly, congenital syphilis has skyrocketed, disproportionately impacting Native-born infants. Meanwhile, the ongoing shortage of Bicillin L-A continues to hinder rapid treatment, and the need for effective solutions in rural and Native-serving clinics is critical.