What we published in July 2020

- Arriola Apelo SI, Lin A, Brinkman JA, Meyer E, Morrison M, Tomasiewicz JL, Pumper CP, Baar EL, Richardson NE, Alotaibi M, Lamming DW. Ovariectomy uncouples lifespan from metabolic health and reveals a sex-hormone-dependent role of hepatic mTORC2 in aging. Elife. 2020;9.
- Aziz F, Jorgenson MR, Garg N, Mohamed M, Djamali A, Mandelbrot D, Parajuli S. The care of kidney transplant recipients during a global pandemic: Challenges and strategies for success. Transplant Rev (Orlando). 2020:100567.
- Aziz F, Mandelbrot D, Parajuli S, Al-Qaoud T, Redfield R, Kaufman D, Odorico JS. Alloimmunity in pancreas transplantation. Curr Opin Organ Transplant. 2020;25(4):322-328.
- Aziz F, Ramadorai A, Parajuli S, Garg N, Mohamed M, Mandelbrot DA, Foley DP, Garren M, Djamali A. Obesity: An Independent Predictor of Morbidity and Graft Loss after Kidney Transplantation. Am J Nephrol. 2020:1-9.
- Beeri MS, Bendlin BB. The link between type 2 diabetes and dementia: from biomarkers to treatment. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020.
- Bhavani SV, Huang ES, Verhoef PA, Churpek MM. Novel Temperature Trajectory Subphenotypes in COVID-19. Chest. 2020.
- Block L, Gilmore-Bykovskyi A, Jolliff A, Mullen S, Werner NE. Exploring dementia family caregivers' everyday use and appraisal of technological supports. Geriatr Nurs. 2020.
- Bruce JY, Bible KC, Chintakuntlawar A. Emergence of resistant clones in medullary thyroid cancer may not be rescued by subsequent salvage highly selective RET-inhibitor therapy. Thyroid. 2020.
- Chepikova OE, Malin D, Strekalova E, Lukasheva EV, Zamyatnin AA, Jr., Cryns VL. Lysine oxidase exposes a dependency on the thioredoxin antioxidant pathway in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2020.
- Chretien KC, Raj JM, Abraham RA, Aronowitz P, Astiz DJ, Chheda SG, Esquivel EL, Garcia MM, Ismail N, Lane S, McLaughlin SE, Pereira A, Shaheen AW, Spencer AL, Tartaglia KM, Willett LL. AAIM Recommendations for the 2020-2021 Internal Medicine Residency Application Cycle in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Am J Med. 2020.
- D'Angelo CR, Hall A, Woo KM, Kim K, Longo W, Hematti P, Callander N, Kenkre VP, Mattison R, Juckett M. Decitabine induction with myeloablative conditioning and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in high-risk patients with myeloid malignancies is associated with a high rate of infectious complications. Leuk Res. 2020;96:106419.
- Denu RA, Burkard ME. Analysis of the "centrosome-ome" identifies MCPH1 deletion as a cause of centrosome amplification in human cancer. Sci Rep. 2020;10(1):11921.
- Dudek AZ, Liu LC, Fischer JH, Wiley EL, Sachdev JC, Bleeker J, Hurley RW, Tonetti DA, Thatcher GRJ, Venuti RP, O'Regan RM. Phase 1 study of TTC-352 in patients with metastatic breast cancer progressing on endocrine and CDK4/6 inhibitor therapy. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2020.
- Duma N. The Dragon. Oncologist. 2020.
- Evans-Hudnall G, Odafe MO, Johnson A, Armenti N, O'Neil J, Lawson E, Trahan LH, Rassu FS. Using an Adjunctive Treatment to Address Psychological Distress in a National Weight Management Program: Results of an Integrated Pilot Study. Mil Med. 2020.
- Farooq AV, Degli Esposti S, Popat R, Thulasi P, Lonial S, Nooka AK, Jakubowiak A, Sborov D, Zaugg BE, Badros AZ, Jeng BH, Callander NS, Opalinska J, Baron J, Piontek T, Byrne J, Gupta I, Colby K. Corneal Epithelial Findings in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Treated with Antibody-Drug Conjugate Belantamab Mafodotin in the Pivotal, Randomized, DREAMM-2 Study. Ophthalmol Ther. 2020.
- Feeny AK, Chung MK, Madabhushi A, et al. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Arrhythmias and Cardiac Electrophysiology [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jul 6]. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2020;10.1161/CIRCEP.119.007952.
- Filut A, Carnes M. Will Losing Black Physicians Be a Consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic? Acad Med. 2020.
- Freytag J, Dindo L, Catic A, Johnson AL, Bush Amspoker A, Gravier A, Dawson DB, Tinetti ME, Naik AD. Feasibility of Clinicians Aligning Health Care with Patient Priorities in Geriatrics Ambulatory Care. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020.
- Godara A, Siddiqui NS, Munigala S, Dhawan R, Kansagra AJ, Rapoport AP, Yared JA, Dahiya S. Length of Stay and Hospital Costs for Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Stem-Cell Transplantation. JCO Oncol Pract. 2020:Op2000170.
- Hirbe AC, Eulo V, Moon CI, Luo J, Myles S, Seetharam M, Toeniskoetter J, Kershner T, Haarberg S, Agulnik M, Monga V, Milhem M, Parkes A, Robinson S, Okuno S, Attia S, Van Tine BA. A phase II study of pazopanib as front-line therapy in patients with non-resectable or metastatic soft-tissue sarcomas who are not candidates for chemotherapy. Eur J Cancer. 2020;137:1-9.
- Hochstatter KR, Akhtar WZ, Dietz S, Pe-Romashko K, Gustafson DH, Shah DV, Krechel S, Liebert C, Miller R, El-Bassel N, Westergaard RP. Potential Influences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Drug Use and HIV Care Among People Living with HIV and Substance Use Disorders: Experience from a Pilot mHealth Intervention. AIDS Behav. 2020:1-6.
- Jiang L, Lang S, Duan Y, Zhang X, Gao B, Chopyk J, Schwanemann LK, Ventura-Cots M, Bataller R, Bosques-Padilla F, Verna EC, Abraldes JG, Brown RS, Jr., Vargas V, Altamirano J, Caballería J, Shawcross DL, Ho SB, Louvet A, Lucey MR, Mathurin P, Garcia-Tsao G, Kisseleva T, Brenner DA, Tu XM, Stärkel P, Pride D, Fouts DE, Schnabl B. Intestinal virome in patients with alcoholic hepatitis. Hepatology. 2020.
- Johnson KD, Conn DJ, Shishkova E, Katsumura KR, Liu P, Shen S, Ranheim EA, Kraus SG, Wang W, Calvo KR, Hsu AP, Holland SM, Coon JJ, Keles S, Bresnick EH. Constructing and deconstructing GATA2-regulated cell fate programs to establish developmental trajectories. J Exp Med. 2020;217(11).
- Khuri FR, O'Regan RM. Progress in breast cancer research amid the COVID-19 gloom. Cancer. 2020;126 Suppl 16:3809-3810.
- Lee H, Fenske RJ, Akcan T, et al. Differential Expression of Ormdl Genes in the Islets of Mice and Humans with Obesity. iScience. 2020;23(7):101324.
- Lewiecki EM, Binkley N, Clark P, Kim S, Leslie WD, Morin SN. Core principles for fracture prevention: North American Consensus from the National Osteoporosis Foundation, Osteoporosis Canada, and Academia Nacional de Medicina de Mexico. Osteoporos Int. 2020.
- Longo KC, Zlevor AM, Laeseke PF, Swietlik JF, Knott EA, Rodgers AC, Mao L, Zhang X, Xu Z, Wagner MG, Periyasamy S, Lee FT, Jr., Ziemlewicz TJ. Histotripsy Ablations in a Porcine Liver Model: Feasibility of Respiratory Motion Compensation by Alteration of the Ablation Zone Prescription Shape. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2020.
- Luo H, Zhu A, Wiens CN, Starekova J, Shimakawa A, Reeder SB, Johnson KM, Hernando D. Free-breathing liver fat and R2∗ quantification using motion-corrected averaging based on a nonlocal means algorithm. Magn Reson Med. 2020.
- Macdonald JA, Beshish AG, Corrado PA, Barton GP, Goss KN, Eldridge MW, François CJ, Wieben O. Feasibility of Cardiovascular Four-dimensional Flow MRI during Exercise in Healthy Participants. Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging. 2020;2(3):e190033.
- McCreary EK, Nguyen MH, Davis MR, Borlagdan J, Shields RK, Anderson AD, Rivosecchi RM, Marini RV, Sacha LM, Silveira FP, Andes DR, Lepak AJ. Achievement of clinical isavuconazole blood concentrations in transplant recipients with isavuconazonium sulphate capsules administered via enteral feeding tube. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2020.
- Miller KA, Osman F, Baier Manwell L. Patient and Physician Perceptions of Knee and Hip Osteoarthritis Care: A Qualitative Study. Int J Clin Pract. 2020:e13627.
- Morris JK, Zhang G, Dougherty RJ, Mahnken JD, John CS, Lose SR, Cook DB, Burns JM, Vidoni ED, Okonkwo O. Collective effects of age, sex, genotype, and cognitive status on fitness outcomes. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2020;12(1):e12058.
- Murphy AG, Zahurak M, Shah M, Weekes CD, Hansen A, Siu LL, Spreafico A, LoConte N, Anders NM, Miles T, Rudek MA, Doyle LA, Nelkin B, Maitra A, Azad NS. A Phase I Study of Dinaciclib in Combination With MK-2206 in Patients With Advanced Pancreatic Cancer. Clin Transl Sci. 2020.
- Ng K, Titus EW, Lieve KV, Roston TM, Mazzanti A, Deiter FH, Denjoy I, Ingles J, Till J, Robyns T, Connors SP, Steinberg C, Abrams DJ, Pang B, Scheinman MM, Bos JM, Duffett SA, van der Werf C, Maltret A, Green MS, Rutberg J, Balaji S, Cadrin-Tourigny J, Orland KM, Knight LM, Brateng C, Wu J, Tang AS, Skanes AC, Manlucu J, Healey JS, January CT, Krahn AD, Collins KK, Maginot KR, Fischbach P, Etheridge SP, Eckhardt LL, Hamilton RM, Ackerman MJ, Rosés INF, Semsarian C, Jura N, Leenhardt A, Gollob MH, Priori SG, Sanatani S, Wilde AAM, Deo RC, Roberts JD. An International Multi-Center Evaluation of Inheritance Patterns, Arrhythmic Risks, and Underlying Mechanisms of CASQ2- Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia. Circulation. 2020.
- Olaiya B, Renelus BD, Filon M, Saha S. Trends in Morbidity and Mortality Following Colectomy Among Patients with Ulcerative Colitis in the Biologic Era (2002-2013): A Study Using the National Inpatient Sample. Dig Dis Sci. 2020.
- Orefice NS. Development of New Strategies Using Extracellular Vesicles Loaded with Exogenous Nucleic Acid. Pharmaceutics. 2020;12(8).
- Parajuli S, Aziz F, Blazel J, Muth BL, Garg N, Mohamed M, Rice J, Mezrich JD, Hidalgo LG, Mandelbrot D. The Utility of Donor Specific Antibody Monitoring and the Role of Kidney Biopsy in Simultaneous Liver and Kidney recipients with denovo Donor Specific Antibodies. Transplantation. 2020.
- Pearson TA, Califf RM, Roper R, Engelgau MM, Khoury MJ, Alcantara C, Blakely C, Boyce CA, Brown M, Croxton TL, Fenton K, Green Parker MC, Hamilton A, Helmchen L, Hsu LL, Kent DM, Kind A, Kravitz J, Papanicolaou GJ, Prosperi M, Quinn M, Price LN, Shireman PK, Smith SM, Szczesniak R, Goff DC, Jr., Mensah GA. Precision Health Analytics With Predictive Analytics and Implementation Research: JACC State-of-the-Art Review. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020;76(3):306-320.
- Peters MC, Fahy JV, Denlinger LC. Reply to Nannini and Lipworth et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020.
- Rajput FA, Du L, Chappell RJ, Berei TJ, Goldberger ZD, Wright JM. Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous Verapamil and Diltiazem for Rate Control in Rapidly Conducted Atrial Fibrillation and Atrial Flutter. In: J Gen Intern Med. United States2020.
- Ramly E, Tong M, Bondar S, Ford JH, 2nd, Nace DA, Crnich CJ. Workflow Barriers and Strategies to Reduce Antibiotic Overuse in Nursing Homes. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020.
- Richeldi L, Scholand MB, Lynch DA, Colby TV, Myers JL, Groshong SD, Chung JH, Benzaquen S, Nathan SD, Davis JR, Schmidt SL, Hagmeyer L, Sonetti D, Hetzel J, Criner GJ, Case AH, Ramaswamy M, Calero K, Gauhar UA, Patel NM, Lancaster L, Choi Y, Pankratz DG, Walsh PS, Lofaro LR, Huang J, Bhorade SM, Kennedy GC, Martinez FJ, Raghu G. Utility of a Molecular Classifier as a Complement to HRCT to Identify Usual Interstitial Pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020.
- Rogus-Pulia NM, Plowman EK. Shifting Tides Toward a Proactive Patient-Centered Approach in Dysphagia Management of Neurodegenerative Disease. Am J Speech Lang Pathol. 2020;29(2s):1094-1109.
- Stewart CL, De Andrade JP, Duma N, Ralph OK, Choong K, Gonzalez L, McClintock NC, Sandoval E, Melstrom LG, Warner SG. Unconscious Bias in Speaker Introductions at a Surgical Oncology Meeting: Hierarchy Reigns Over Gender. Ann Surg Oncol. 2020.
- Talamonti D, Koscik R, Johnson S, Bruno D. Temporal contiguity and ageing: The role of memory organization in cognitive decline. J Neuropsychol. 2020.
- Taylor L, Condon T, Destrampe EM, et al. Powassan Virus Infection Likely Acquired Through Blood Transfusion Presenting as Encephalitis in a Kidney Transplant Recipient. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2020.
- Weiner S, Schwartz A, Altman L, et al. Evaluation of a Patient-Collected Audio Audit and Feedback Quality Improvement Program on Clinician Attention to Patient Life Context and Health Care Costs in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System. JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(7):e209644. Published 2020 Jul 1.
- Weishar R, Lee MS, Fontana G, Hematti P, Li WJ. Endothelin-1 reduces catabolic activity of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells during chondro- and osteo-lineage differentiation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020;529(2):180-185.
- Welmer AK, Wang R, Rizzuto D, Ek S, Vetrano DL, Qiu C. Associations of blood pressure with risk of injurious falls in old age vary by functional status: A cohort study. Exp Gerontol. 2020:111038.
- Wilson KC, Kaminsky DA, Michaud G, Sharma S, Nici L, Folz RJ, Barjaktarevic I, Bhakta NR, Cheng G, Chupp GL, Cole A, Dixon AE, Finigan JH, Graham B, Hallstrand TS, Haynes J, Hankinson J, MacIntyre N, Mandel J, McCarthy K, McCormack M, Patil SP, Rosenfeld M, Senitko M, Sethi S, Swenson ER, Stanojevic S, Teodorescu M, Weiner DJ, Wiener RS, Powell CA. Restoring Pulmonary and Sleep Services as the COVID-19 Pandemic Lessens: From an Association of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Division Directors and American Thoracic Society-coordinated Task Force. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020.
- Xu X, Qiao D, Mann M, Garofalo RP, Brasier AR. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection Induces Chromatin Remodeling to Activate Growth Factor and Extracellular Matrix Secretion Pathways. Viruses. 2020;12(8).
- Zhao J, Meisel J, Guo Y, Nahta R, Hsieh KL, Peng L, Wei Z, O'Regan R, Li X. Evaluation of PD-L1, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, and CD8+ and FOXP3+ immune cells in HER2-positive breast cancer treated with neoadjuvant therapies. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2020.
- Zhao SG, Chen WS, Li H, Foye A, Zhang M, Sjöström M, Aggarwal R, Playdle D, Liao A, Alumkal JJ, Das R, Chou J, Hua JT, Barnard TJ, Bailey AM, Chow ED, Perry MD, Dang HX, Yang R, Moussavi-Baygi R, Zhang L, Alshalalfa M, Laura Chang S, Houlahan KE, Shiah YJ, Beer TM, Thomas G, Chi KN, Gleave M, Zoubeidi A, Reiter RE, Rettig MB, Witte O, Yvonne Kim M, Fong L, Spratt DE, Morgan TM, Bose R, Huang FW, Chesner L, Shenoy T, Goodarzi H, Asangani IA, Sandhu S, Lang JM, Mahajan NP, Lara PN, Evans CP, Febbo P, Batzoglou S, Knudsen KE, He HH, Huang J, Zwart W, Costello JF, Luo J, Tomlins SA, Wyatt AW, Dehm SM, Ashworth A, Gilbert LA, Boutros PC, Farh K, Chinnaiyan AM, Maher CA, Small EJ, Quigley DA, Feng FY. The DNA methylation landscape of advanced prostate cancer. Nat Genet. 2020.