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What we published in April 2021
May 13, 2021
Akhter A, Patel R, Nelsen E, Benson ME, Gopal DV, Soni A, Pfau P. Prospective Comparison of Moderate Conscious Sedation and Anesthesia Assistance for the Performance of Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Can J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2021;2021:8892085.
Al Mukaddim R, Weichmann AM, Mitchell CC, Varghese T. Enhancement of in vivo cardiac photoacoustic signal specificity using spatiotemporal singular value decomposition. J Biomed Opt. 2021;26(4).
Amaza I, Kalra H, Eberlein M, Jethava Y, McDonell J, Wolfe B, Tomasson MH, Bates ML. Case Studies in Physiology: Untangling the cause of hypoxemia in an obese patient with acute leukemia. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2021.
Anderson L, Schmitz E, Polgreen PM, Beekmann SE, Safdar N. Discontinuation of Isolation Precautions for COVID-19 Patients. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2021:1-9.
Badar T, Szabo A, Litzow M, Burkart M, Yurkiewicz I, Dinner S, Hefazi M, Shallis RM, Podoltsev N, Patel AA, Curran E, Wadleigh M, Balasubramanian S, Yang J, Arslan S, Aldoss I, Mattison R, Cenin D, Siebenaller C, Advani A, Liedtke M, Atallah E. Multi-institutional study evaluating clinical outcome with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation after blinatumomab in patients with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: real-world data. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021.
Baker TB, McCarthy DE. Smoking Treatment: A Report Card on Progress and Challenges. Annu Rev Clin Psychol. 2021;17:1-30.
Barnes JN, Pearson AG, Corkery AT, Eisenmann NA, Miller KB. Exercise, Arterial Stiffness, and Cerebral Vascular Function: Potential Impact on Brain Health. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2021:1-15.
Bartels CM, Chodara A, Chen Y, Wang X, Powell WR, Shi F, Schletzbaum M, Sheehy AM, Kaiksow FA, Gilmore-Bykovskyi AL, Garg S, Yu M, Kind AJ. One Quarter of Medicare Hospitalizations in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Readmitted within Thirty Days. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2021;51(2):477-485.
Bartels CM, Johnson L, Ramly E, Panyard DJ, Gilmore-Bykovskyi A, Johnson HM, McBride P, Li Z, Sampene E, Lauver DR, Lewicki K, Piper ME. Impact of a Rheumatology Clinic Protocol on Tobacco Cessation Quit Line Referrals. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2021.
Bartig KA, Lee KE, Mosher DF, Mathur SK, Johansson MW. Platelet association with leukocytes in active eosinophilic esophagitis. PLoS One. 2021;16(4):e0250521.
Barton GP, Corrado PA, Francois CJ, Chesler NC, Eldridge MW, Wieben O, Goss KN. Exaggerated Cardiac Contractile Response to Hypoxia in Adults Born Preterm. J Clin Med. 2021;10(6).
Bazydlo A, Zammit M, Wu M, Dean D, Johnson S, Tudorascu D, Cohen A, Cody K, Ances B, Laymon C, Klunk W, Zaman S, Handen B, Alexander A, Christian B, Hartley S. White matter microstructure associations with episodic memory in adults with Down syndrome: a tract-based spatial statistics study. J Neurodev Disord. 2021;13(1):17.
Bernau K, Leet JP, Floerke H, Bruhn EM, Noll AL, McDermott IS, Esnault S, Jarjour NN, Sandbo N. Interleukin-1α Is a Critical Mediator of the Response of Human Bronchial Fibroblasts to Eosinophilic Inflammation. Cells. 2021;10(3).
Braun KM, Moreno GK, Buys A, Somsen ED, Bobholz M, Accola MA, Anderson L, Rehrauer WM, Baker DA, Safdar N, Lepak AJ, O'Connor DH, Friedrich TC. Viral sequencing reveals US healthcare personnel rarely become infected with SARS-CoV-2 through patient contact. Clin Infect Dis. 2021.
Broberg CS, Kovacs AH, Sadeghi S, Rosenbaum MS, Lewis MJ, Carazo MR, Rodriguez FH, 3rd, Halpern DG, Feinberg J, Galilea FA, Baraona F, Cedars AM, Ko JM, Porayette P, Maldonado J, Sarubbi B, Fusco F, Frogoudaki AA, Nir A, Chaudhry A, John AS, Karbassi A, Hoskoppal AK, Frischhertz BP, Hendrickson B, Bouma BJ, Rodriguez-Monserrate CP, Broda CR, Tobler D, Gregg D, Martinez-Quintana E, Yeung E, Krieger EV, Ruperti-Repilado FJ, Giannakoulas G, Lui GK, Ephrem G, Singh HS, Almeneisi HM, Bartlett HL, Lindsay I, Grewal J, Nicolarsen J, Araujo JJ, Cramer JW, Bouchardy J, Al Najashi K, Ryan K, Alshawabkeh L, Andrade L, Ladouceur M, Schwerzmann M, Greutmann M, Meras P, Ferrero P, Dehghani P, Tung PP, Garcia-Orta R, Tompkins RO, Gendi SM, Cohen S, Klewer S, Hascoet S, Mohammadzadeh S, Upadhyay S, Fisher SD, Cook S, Cotts TB, Aboulhosn JA. COVID-19 in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021;77(13):1644-1655.
Burkhoff D, Borlaug BA, Shah SJ, Zolty R, Tedford RJ, Thenappan T, Zamanian RT, Mazurek JA, Rich JD, Simon MA, Chung ES, Raza F, Majure DT, Lewis GD, Preston IR, Rich S. Levosimendan Improves Hemodynamics and Exercise Tolerance in PH-HFpEF: Results of the Randomized Placebo-Controlled HELP Trial. JACC Heart Fail. 2021;9(5):360-370.
Cha L, Tevaarwerk AJ, Smith EM, Chandereng T, Huenerberg KJ, Seaborne LA, Carroll CB, Sesto ME. Reported Concerns and Acceptance of Information or Referrals Among Breast Cancer Survivors Seen for Care Planning Visits: Results from the University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center Survivorship Program. J Cancer Educ. 2021.
Chen Z, Yu Q, Johnson J, Shipman R, Zhong X, Huang J, Asthana S, Carlsson C, Okonkwo O, Li L. In-depth site-specific analysis of N-glycoproteome in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and glycosylation landscape changes in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Mol Cell Proteomics. 2021:100081.
Chipps BE, Jarjour N, Calhoun WJ, Iqbal A, Haselkorn T, Yang M, Brumm J, Corren J, Holweg CTJ, Bafadhel M. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Stability of Blood Eosinophil Levels. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021.
Churpek MM, Dumanian J, Dussault N, Bhavani SV, Carey KA, Gilbert ER, Arain E, Ye C, Winslow CJ, Shah NS, Afshar M, Edelson DP. Determining the Electronic Signature of Infection in Electronic Health Record Data. Crit Care Med. 2021.
Churpek MM, Gupta S, Spicer AB, Parker WF, Fahrenbach J, Brenner SK, Leaf DE. Hospital-Level Variation in Death for Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021.
Colgan TJ, Zhao R, Roberts NT, Hernando D, Reeder SB. Limits of Fat Quantification in the Presence of Iron Overload. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2021.
Cook JW, Baker TB, Fiore MC, Collins LM, Piper ME, Schlam TR, Bolt DM, Smith SS, Zwaga D, Jorenby DE, Mermelstein R. Evaluating Four Motivation-Phase Intervention Components for Use with Primary Care Patients Unwilling to Quit Smoking: A Randomized Factorial Experiment. Addiction. 2021.
Corrado PA, Barton GP, François CJ, Wieben O, Goss KN. Sildenafil Administration Improves Right Ventricular Function on 4D Flow MRI in Young Adults Born Premature. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2021.
Corrado PA, Barton GP, Razalan-Krause FC, François CJ, Chesler NC, Wieben O, Eldridge M, McMillan AB, Goss KN. Dynamic FDG PET Imaging to Probe for Cardiac Metabolic Remodeling in Adults Born Premature. J Clin Med. 2021;10(6).
Crnich CJ, Malani P. Opportunities to Improve Antimicrobial Use in US Nursing Homes. In: Jama. Vol 325. United States2021:1259-1260.
Dhawan N, Carnes M, Byars-Winston A, Duma N. Videoconferencing Etiquette: Promoting Gender Equity During Virtual Meetings. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2021;30(4):460-465.
Erickson CM, Chin NA, Coughlin DM, Conway CE, Rosario HL, Johnson SC, Clark LR. Virtual disclosure of preclinical Alzheimer's biomarkers: Preliminary experiences. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021.
Farhadfar N, Dias A, Wang T, Fretham C, Chhabra S, Murthy HS, Broglie L, D'Souza A, Gadalla SM, Gale RP, Hashmi S, Al-Homsi AS, Hildebrandt GC, Hematti P, Rizzieri D, Chee L, Lazarus HM, Bredeson C, Jaimes EA, Beitinjaneh A, Bashey A, Prestidge T, Krem MM, Marks DI, Benoit S, Yared JA, Nishihori T, Olsson RF, Freytes CO, Stadtmauer E, Savani BN, Sorror ML, Ganguly S, Wingard JR, Pasquini M. Impact of Pretransplantation Renal Dysfunction on Outcomes after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021;27(5):410-422.
Filut A, Alexander L, Ray A, Pecanac K, Carnes M. "This happens all the time": a Qualitative Study of General Internists' Experiences with Discriminatory Patients. J Gen Intern Med. 2021:1-8.
Ford JH, 2nd, Liao CY, Crnich CJ. Exploring Antibiotic Utilization in Assisted Living: Identifying Opportunities for Improvement. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2021.
Ford L, Lee C, Pray IW, Cole D, Bigouette JP, Abedi GR, Bushman D, Delahoy MJ, Currie DW, Cherney B, Kirby M, Fajardo G, Caudill M, Langolf K, Kahrs J, Zochert T, Kelly P, Pitts C, Lim A, Aulik N, Tamin A, Harcourt JL, Queen K, Zhang J, Whitaker B, Browne H, Medrzycki M, Shewmaker P, Bonenfant G, Zhou B, Folster J, Bankamp B, Bowen MD, Thornburg NJ, Goffard K, Limbago B, Bateman A, Tate JE, Gieryn D, Kirking HL, Westergaard R, Killerby M. Epidemiologic characteristics associated with SARS-CoV-2 antigen-based test results, rRT-PCR cycle threshold values, subgenomic RNA, and viral culture results from university testing. Clin Infect Dis. 2021.
Friese CR, Choueiri TK, Duma N, Farmakiotis D, Grivas P, Rini BI, Shah DP, Thompson MA, Pergam SA, Mishra S, Warner JL. Care without a compass: including patients with cancer in COVID-19 studies. Cancer Cell. 2021.
Galipeau J. Macrophages at the nexus of mesenchymal stromal cell potency: The emerging role of chemokine cooperativity. Stem Cells. 2021.
Gillette AA, Babiarz CP, VanDommelen AR, Pasch CA, Clipson L, Matkowskyj KA, Deming DA, Skala MC. Autofluorescence Imaging of Treatment Response in Neuroendocrine Tumor Organoids. Cancers (Basel). 2021;13(8).
Han X, Spicer A, Carey KA, Gilbert ER, Laiteerapong N, Shah NS, Winslow C, Afshar M, Kashiouris MG, Churpek MM. Identifying High-Risk Subphenotypes and Associated Harms From Delayed Antibiotic Orders and Delivery. Crit Care Med. 2021.
Huang SS, Lee KJ, Chen HC, Prajnamitra RP, Hsu CH, Jian CB, Yu XE, Chueh DY, Kuo CW, Chiang TC, Choong OK, Huang SC, Beh CY, Chen LL, Lai JJ, Chen P, Kamp TJ, Tien YW, Lee HM, Hsieh PC. Immune cell shuttle for precise delivery of nanotherapeutics for heart disease and cancer. Sci Adv. 2021;7(17).
Hunt JFV, Vogt NM, Jonaitis EM, Buckingham WR, Koscik RL, Zuelsdorff M, Clark LR, Gleason CE, Yu M, Okonkwo O, Johnson SC, Asthana S, Bendlin BB, Kind AJH. Association of Neighborhood Context, Cognitive Decline, and Cortical Change in an Unimpaired Cohort. Neurology. 2021.
Hutcherson BA, Cordoba S, LoConte NK, Edgoose JYC. When We Become 'We'. Wmj. 2021;120(S1):S78-s79.
Jorgenson MR, Wong C, Descourouez JL, Saddler CM, Smith JA, Mandelbrot DA. Conversion from cytomegalovirus universal prophylaxis with valganciclovir to the preemptive monitoring approach to manage leukopenia after kidney or pancreas transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis. 2021:e13617.
Kaiksow FA, Merss KB, LoConte N. An Epidemiological Crossroads: The Intersection of Incarceration and Health Care. Wmj. 2021;120(S1):S10-s12.
Kasela S, Ortega VE, Martorella M, Garudadri S, Nguyen J, Ampleford E, Pasanen A, Nerella S, Buschur KL, Barjaktarevic IZ, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Bowler RP, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper DJ, Criner GJ, Curtis JL, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, McDonald MN, Meyers DA, Paine R, 3rd, Peters SP, Castro M, Denlinger LC, Erzurum SC, Fahy JV, Israel E, Jarjour NN, Levy BD, Li X, Moore WC, Wenzel SE, Zein J, Langelier C, Woodruff PG, Lappalainen T, Christenson SA. Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting the expression of COVID-19-relevant genes in the large airway epithelium. Genome Med. 2021;13(1):66.
Kwon Y, Wiles C, Parker BE, Clark BR, Sohn MW, Mariani S, Hahn JO, Jacobs DR, Stein JH, Lima J, Kapur V, Wellman A, Redline S, Azarbarzin A. Pulse arrival time, a novel sleep cardiovascular marker: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis. Thorax. 2021.
Lang D, Glukhov AV. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Functional Hierarchy of Pacemaker Clusters in the Sinoatrial Node: New Insights into Sick Sinus Syndrome. J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. 2021;8(4).
Lee SL, Yadav P, Starekova J, Christensen L, Chandereng T, Chappell R, Reeder SB, Bassetti MF. Diagnostic Performance of MRI for Esophageal Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Radiology. 2021:202857.
Mancera E, Nocedal I, Hammel S, Gulati M, Mitchell KF, Andes DR, Nobile CJ, Butler G, Johnson AD. Evolution of the complex transcription network controlling biofilm formation in Candida species. Elife. 2021;10.
Mann M, Roberts DS, Zhu Y, Li Y, Zhou J, Ge Y, Brasier AR. Discovery of RSV-Induced BRD4 Protein Interactions Using Native Immunoprecipitation and Parallel Accumulation-Serial Fragmentation (PASEF) Mass Spectrometry. Viruses. 2021;13(3).
Martinez-Zayas G, Almeida FA, Yarmus L, Steinfort D, Lazarus DR, Simoff MJ, Saettele T, Murgu S, Dammad T, Duong DK, Mudambi L, Filner JJ, Molina S, Aravena C, Thiboutot J, Bonney A, Rueda AM, Debiane LG, Hogarth DK, Bedi H, Deffebach M, Sagar AS, Cicenia J, Yu DH, Cohen A, Frye L, Grosu HB, Gildea T, Feller-Kopman D, Casal RF, Machuzak M, Arain MH, Sethi S, Eapen GA, Lam L, Jimenez CA, Ribeiro M, Noor LZ, Mehta A, Song J, Choi H, Ma J, Li L, Ost DE. Predicting Lymph Node Metastasis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Prospective External and Temporal Validation of the HAL and HOMER Models. Chest. 2021.
Masle-Farquhar E, Russell A, Li Y, Zhu F, Rui L, Brink R, Goodnow CC. Loss-of-function of Fbxo10, encoding a post-translational regulator of BCL2 in lymphomas, has no discernible effect on BCL2 or B lymphocyte accumulation in mice. PLoS One. 2021;16(4):e0237830.
Maupin J, Kaiksow F, Kenik J, Sheehy A, Sterken D. Assessing Perspectives on Systemic Racism in an Academic Hospital Medical Group: The ARCH Project. Wmj. 2021;120(S1):S66-s69.
McKay RR, Kwak L, Crowdis J, Sperger JM, Zhao SG, Xie W, Werner L, Lis RT, Zhang Z, Wei XX, Lang JM, Van Allen EM, Bhatt RS, Yu EY, Nelson PS, Bubley GJ, Montgomery B, Taplin ME. Phase 2 multicenter study of enzalutamide in metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer to identify mechanisms driving resistance. Clin Cancer Res. 2021.
Mehta A, Rigdon J, Tattersall MC, German CA, Barringer TA, 3rd, Joshi PH, Sperling LS, Budoff MJ, Bertoni A, Michos ED, Blaha MJ, Stein JH, Shapiro MD. Association of Carotid Artery Plaque With Cardiovascular Events and Incident Coronary Artery Calcium in Individuals With Absent Coronary Calcification: The MESA. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2021;14(4):e011701.
Meyer KC. Acute exacerbations of interstitial lung disease: what is the best treatment? Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis. 2021;38(1):e2021001.
Meyer KC, Avery RK. Optimizing virus protection in lung transplant recipients: Don't drop the ball. Am J Transplant. 2021.
Mohamed M, Smith J, Parajuli S, Garg N, Aziz F, Mandelbrot D, Djamali A, Zhong W. Successful management of T-cell mediated rejection in a recent kidney transplant recipient with COVID-19 associated severe acute respiratory syndrome. Transpl Infect Dis. 2021:e13598.
Musuuza JS, Watson L, Parmasad V, Putman-Buehler N, Christensen L, Safdar N. Prevalence and outcomes of co-infection and superinfection with SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2021;16(5):e0251170.
Nunez ER, Johnson SW, Qian SX, Powell WR, Walkey AJ, Wiener RS, Rinne ST. Patterns of Pulmonary Consultation for Veterans with Incident COPD. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2021.
Panch SR, Logan B, Sees JA, Bo-Subait S, Savani B, Shah NN, Hsu JW, Switzer G, Lazarus HM, Anderlini P, Hematti P, Confer D, Pulsipher MA, Shaw BE, Stroncek DF. Shorter Interdonation Interval Contributes to Lower Cell Counts in Subsequent Stem Cell Donations. Transplant Cell Ther. 2021.
Panzer SE. Macrophages in Transplantation: A Matter of Plasticity, Polarization, and Diversity. Transplantation. 2021.
Parks SZ, Gao T, Jimenez Awuapura N, Ayathamattam J, Chabosseau PL, Kalvakolanu DV, Valdivia HH, Rutter GA, Leclerc I. The Ca(2+) -binding protein sorcin stimulates transcriptional activity of the unfolded protein response mediator ATF6. FEBS Lett. 2021.
Qu Y, Middleton MS, Loomba R, Glaser KJ, Chen J, Hooker JC, Wolfson T, Covarrubias Y, Valasek MA, Fowler KJ, Zhang YN, Sy E, Gamst AC, Wang K, Mamidipalli A, Schwimmer JB, Song B, Reeder SB, Yin M, Ehman RL, Sirlin CB. Magnetic resonance elastography biomarkers for detection of histologic alterations in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in the absence of fibrosis. Eur Radiol. 2021.
Ran G, Chung K, Anderson AS, Gibbons RD, Narang N, Churpek MM, Parker WF. Between-center variation in high-priority listing status under the new heart allocation policy. Am J Transplant. 2021.
Reck M, Rodríguez-Abreu D, Robinson AG, Hui R, Csőszi T, Fülöp A, Gottfried M, Peled N, Tafreshi A, Cuffe S, O'Brien M, Rao S, Hotta K, Leal TA, Riess JW, Jensen E, Zhao B, Pietanza MC, Brahmer JR. Five-Year Outcomes With Pembrolizumab Versus Chemotherapy for Metastatic Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer With PD-L1 Tumor Proportion Score ≥ 50. J Clin Oncol. 2021:Jco2100174.
Reilly L, Eckhardt LL. Cardiac potassium inward rectifier Kir2: Review of structure, regulation, pharmacology, and arrhythmogenesis. Heart Rhythm. 2021.
Rigby MJ, Lawton AJ, Kaur G, Banduseela VC, Kamm WE, Lakkaraju A, Denu JM, Puglielli L. Endoplasmic reticulum acetyltransferases Atase1 and Atase2 differentially regulate reticulophagy, macroautophagy and cellular acetyl-CoA metabolism. Commun Biol. 2021;4(1):454.
Salloum RG, D'Angelo H, Theis RP, Rolland B, Hohl S, Pauk D, LeLaurin JH, Asvat Y, Chen LS, Day AT, Goldstein AO, Hitsman B, Hudson D, King AC, Lam CY, Lenhoff K, Levinson AH, Prochaska J, Smieliauskas F, Taylor K, Thomas J, Tindle H, Tong E, White JS, Vogel WB, Warren GW, Fiore M. Mixed-methods economic evaluation of the implementation of tobacco treatment programs in National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers. Implement Sci Commun. 2021;2(1):41.
Schmidt TM, Fonseca R, Usmani SZ. Chromosome 1q21 abnormalities in multiple myeloma. Blood Cancer J. 2021;11(4):83.
Schnipper JL, Reyes Nieva H, Mallouk M, Mixon A, Rennke S, Chu E, Mueller S, Smith GRR, Jr., Williams MV, Wetterneck TB, Stein J, Dalal A, Labonville S, Sridharan A, Stolldorf DP, Orav EJ, Levin B, Gresham M, Yoon C, Goldstein J, Platt S, Nyenpan CT, Howell E, Kripalani S. Effects of a refined evidence-based toolkit and mentored implementation on medication reconciliation at 18 hospitals: results of the MARQUIS2 study. BMJ Qual Saf. 2021.
Schorr EN, Gepner AD, Dolansky MA, Forman DE, Park LG, Petersen KS, Still CH, Wang TY, Wenger NK, Nursing AHACDiOPCotCoCCaCoCaS, Council on Arteriosclerosis TraVB, Health aCoLaC. Harnessing Mobile Health Technology for Secondary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Older Adults: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021:HCQ0000000000000103.
Scordo M, Wang TP, Ahn KW, Chen Y, Ahmed S, Awan FT, Beitinjaneh A, Chen A, Chow VA, Dholaria B, Epperla N, Farooq U, Ghosh N, Grover N, Hamad N, Hildebrandt GC, Holmberg L, Hong S, Inwards DJ, Jimenez-Jimenez A, Karmali R, Kenkre VP, Khimani F, Klyuchnikov E, Krem MM, Munshi PN, Nieto Y, Prestidge T, Ramakrishnan Geethakumari P, Rezvani AR, Riedell PA, Seo S, Shah NN, Solh M, Yared JA, Kharfan-Dabaja MA, Herrera A, Hamadani M, Sauter CS. Outcomes Associated With Thiotepa-Based Conditioning in Patients With Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma After Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplant. JAMA Oncol. 2021.
Sheehan BK, Orefice NS, Peng Y, Shapiro SL, Puglielli L. ATG9A regulates proteostasis through reticulophagy receptors FAM134B and SEC62 and folding chaperones CALR and HSPB1. iScience. 2021;24(4):102315.
Stoeckl EM, Smith JW, Dhingra R, Fiedler AG. Left ventricular assist device implantation by bi-thoracotomy technique: A single-center perspective. J Card Surg. 2021.
Swanson KJ, Aziz F, Parajuli S, Mohamed M, Mandelbrot DA, Djamali A, Garg N. Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate Use in Kidney Transplant Recipients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2021.
Tagawa ST, Balar AV, Petrylak DP, Kalebasty AR, Loriot Y, Fléchon A, Jain RK, Agarwal N, Bupathi M, Barthelemy P, Beuzeboc P, Palmbos P, Kyriakopoulos CE, Pouessel D, Sternberg CN, Hong Q, Goswami T, Itri LM, Grivas P. TROPHY-U-01: A Phase II Open-Label Study of Sacituzumab Govitecan in Patients With Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma Progressing After Platinum-Based Chemotherapy and Checkpoint Inhibitors. J Clin Oncol. 2021:Jco2003489.
Tarhini AA, Kang N, Lee SJ, Hodi FS, Cohen GI, Hamid O, Hutchins LF, Sosman JA, Kluger HM, Eroglu Z, Koon HB, Lawrence DP, Kendra KL, Minor DR, Lee CB, Albertini MR, Flaherty LE, Petrella TM, Streicher H, Sondak VK, Kirkwood JM. Immune adverse events (irAEs) with adjuvant ipilimumab in melanoma, use of immunosuppressants and association with outcome: ECOG-ACRIN E1609 study analysis. J Immunother Cancer. 2021;9(5).
Tevaarwerk AJ, Zhang X, Haine J, Norslien K, Henningfield MF, Stietz C, Hahn D, Sesto ME. Re-engineering Survivorship Care Plans to Support Primary Care Needs and Workflow: Results From an Engineering, Primary Care and Oncology Collaborative for Survivorship Health (EPOCH). J Cancer Educ. 2021.
Tsoy E, Kiekhofer RE, Guterman EL, Tee BL, Windon CC, Dorsman KA, Lanata SC, Rabinovici GD, Miller BL, Kind AJH, Possin KL. Assessment of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Timeliness and Comprehensiveness of Dementia Diagnosis in California. JAMA Neurol. 2021.
Walker KL, Rinella SP, Hess NJ, Turicek DP, Kabakov SA, Zhu F, Bouchlaka MN, Olson SL, Cho MM, Quamine AE, Feils AS, Gavcovich TB, Rui L, Capitini CM. CXCR4 allows T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia to escape from JAK1/2 and BCL2 inhibition through CNS infiltration. Leuk Lymphoma. 2021;62(5):1167-1177.
Williams VJ, Carlsson CM, Fischer A, Johnson SC, Lange K, Partridge E, Roan C, Asthana S, Herd P. Assessing Dementia Prevalence in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Cohort Profile, Protocol, and Preliminary Findings. J Alzheimers Dis. 2021.
Yu D, Richardson NE, Green CL, Spicer AB, Murphy ME, Flores V, Jang C, Kasza I, Nikodemova M, Wakai MH, Tomasiewicz JL, Yang SE, Miller BR, Pak HH, Brinkman JA, Rojas JM, Quinn WJ, 3rd, Cheng EP, Konon EN, Haider LR, Finke M, Sonsalla M, Alexander CM, Rabinowitz JD, Baur JA, Malecki KC, Lamming DW. The adverse metabolic effects of branched-chain amino acids are mediated by isoleucine and valine. Cell Metab. 2021;33(5):905-922.e906.
Zein JG, McManus JM, Sharifi N, Erzurum SC, Marozkina N, Lahm T, Giddings O, Davis MD, DeBoer MD, Comhair SA, Bazeley P, Kim HJ, Busse W, Calhoun W, Castro M, Chung KF, Fahy JV, Israel E, Jarjour NN, Levy BD, Mauger DT, Moore WC, Ortega VE, Peters M, Bleecker ER, Meyers DA, Zhao Y, Wenzel SE, Gaston B. Benefits of Airway Androgen Receptor Expression in Human Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021.
Zwick ED, Pepperell CS, Alagoz O. Representing Tuberculosis Transmission with Complex Contagion: An Agent-Based Simulation Modeling Approach. Med Decis Making. 2021:272989x211007842.