What we published in 2018: making a mark on the peer-reviewed literature

2018 was been a productive year for researchers in the Department of Medicine. How productive? Members published at least 452 peer-reviewed research and scholarly articles – more than one per day.
And that’s almost certainly an underestimate. Some journals will still be populating article from 2018 in databases for the next several weeks. And despite best efforts, publications can be inadvertently missed. (Know of a missing publication? Please submit information online so we can improve the list below.)
Throughout the year, NCBI PubMed literature searches are run for Vital Signs publication listings. The queries are conducted by staff members at Ebling Health Sciences Library including Heidi Marleau, MLS, associate director and health sciences librarian. The references are managed in EndNote. Each set of results is reviewed by Vital Signs editor Robyn Perrin, PhD, public affairs and communications manager, Department of Medicine, to combine them with any additional publications that were self-reported by department members for each 2-week period and to cross-check departmental affiliation.
Criteria for inclusion are broad: 1) at least one author was a member of the Department of Medicine (primary-appointment faculty, resident, fellow, or staff) at the time the work was conducted, and 2) the work has been released by the journal rather than being in-press. Thus, the publication list includes a wide range of peer-reviewed work encompassing basic science research, clinical trials, translational studies, scholarly reviews and editorials, and more.
No search query is perfect. Although the custom search query includes faculty names and institutional and departmental affiliation, among other parameters, there isn’t a standard taxonomy within the primary literature for listing institutional affiliation at the departmental unit level. And some journals, including several in the field of medical education, are not listed in PubMed.
What can be gleaned from the annual list of references? A preliminary analysis provides insight to the scope, breadth, and depth of research activity in the department.
Department of Medicine members have published in the vast majority of the most impactful journals listed in the Health and Medicine subcategory of Google Scholar that are relevant to the field of internal medicine and its specialties. And the impact of each article follows a unique path, sometimes shaping entire fields of study and in other cases providing confirmation, validation, or clarification of a highly specific area of inquiry.
As the new year begins, scholars in the department maintain continual dedication to transformative research that creates new knowledge – a commitment that will extend into 2019, and beyond.
This list is arranged alphabetically by last name of the first author, and linked to its corresponding abstract on PubMed (if available). Notice a missing peer-reviewed article that was published in 2018? Contact us.
- Akhter A, Walker A, Heise CP, Kennedy GD, Benson ME, Pfau PR, Johnson EA, Frick TJ, Gopal DV. 2018. A tertiary care hospital's 10 years' experience with rectal ultrasound in early rectal cancer. Endosc Ultrasound. 7(3):191-195.
- Abbas AA, Young JC, Clarke EL, Diamond JM, Imai I, Haas AR, Cantu E, Lederer DJ, Meyer K, Milewski RK, Olthoff KM, Shaked A, Christie JD, Bushman FD, Collman RG. 2018. Bidirectional transfer of Anelloviridae lineages between graft and host during lung transplantation. Am J Transplant. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abbott DE, Macke RA, Kurtz J, Safdar N, Greenberg CC, Weber SM, Voils CI, Fisher DA, Maloney JD. 2018. Financial and Temporal Advantages of Virtual Consultation in Veterans Requiring Specialty Care. Mil Med. 183:e71-e76.
- Agache I, Miller R, Gern JE, Hellings PW, Jutel M, Muraro A, Phipatanakul W, Quirce S, Peden D. 2018. Emerging concepts and challenges in implementing the exposome paradigm in allergic diseases and asthma. Allergy. [Epub ahead of print]
- Agarwal PD, Lucey MR. 2018. Genetic Variations Linked to Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Personalized Medicine Takes a Step Forward. Am J Gastroenterol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Agashe VV, Jankowska-Gan E, Keller M, Sullivan JA, Haynes LD, Kernien JF, Torrealba JR, Roenneburg D, Dart M, Colonna M, Wilkes DS, Burlingham WJ. 2018. Leukocyte-Associated Ig-like Receptor 1 Inhibits Th1 Responses but Is Required for Natural and Induced Monocyte-Dependent Th17 Responses. J Immunol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Aggarwal NR, Patel HN, Mehta LS, Sanghani RM, Lundberg GP, Lewis SJ, Mendelson MA, Wood MJ, Volgman AS, Mieres JH. 2018. Sex Differences in Ischemic Heart Disease: Advances, Obstacles, and Next Steps. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 11:e004437.
- Al-Heizan MO, Giles GM, Wolf TJ, Edwards DF. 2018. The construct validity of a new screening measure of functional cognitive ability: The menu task. Neuropsychol Rehabil. [Epub ahead of print]
- Albertini MR, Yang RK, Ranheim EA, Hank JA, Zuleger CL, Weber S, Neuman H, Hartig G, Weigel T, Mahvi D, Henry MB, Quale R, McFarland T, Gan J, Carmichael L, Kim K, Loibner H, Gillies SD, Sondel PM. 2018. Pilot trial of the hu14.18-IL2 immunocytokine in patients with completely resectable recurrent stage III or stage IV melanoma.Cancer Immunol Immunother. [Epub ahead of print]
- Albertini MR. 2018. The age of enlightenment in melanoma immunotherapy. J Immunother Cancer. Vol 6. England2018:80.
- Alvarado FJ, Valdivia CR, Valdivia HH. 2018. Navigating the Sea of Long Noncoding RNAs: ZFAS1, Friend or Foe? Circ Res. 122:1327-1329.
- Alyamani M, Emamekhoo H, Park S, Taylor J, Almassi N, Upadhyay S, Tyler A, Berk MP, Hu B, Hwang TH, Figg WD, Peer CJ, Chien C, Koshkin VS, Mendiratta P, Grivas P, Rini B, Garcia J, Auchus RJ, Sharifi N. 2018. HSD3B1(1245A>C) variant regulates dueling abiraterone metabolite effects in prostate cancer. J Clin Invest. [Epub ahead of print]
- Amarneh M, Akhter A, Rajput MZ, LaBrecque DR, Abu-Yousef M. 2018. Gallbladder Scalloping, Mammillated Caudate Lobe, and Inferior Vena Cava Scalloping: Three Novel Ultrasound Signs of Cirrhosis. Acad Radiol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Anderson RM, Le Couteur DG. 2018. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences. A Long Tradition in Advancing Aging Biology and Translational Gerontology. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 73:271-272.
- Andes D, Kovanda L, Desai A, Kitt T, Zhao M, Walsh TJ. 2018. Isavuconazole Concentration in Real-world Practice: Consistency with Results from Clinical Trials.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. [Epub ahead of print]
- Andes D. 2018. Has the optimal therapy for invasive candidiasis now been defined?Clin Infect Dis. [Epub ahead of print]
- Andes DR, Ghannoum MA, Mukherjee PK, Kovanda LL, Lu Q, Jones ME, Santerre Henriksen A, Lademacher C, Hope WW. 2018. Outcomes by Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations for Patients Treated with Isavuconazole or Voriconazole for Invasive Aspergillosis in the Phase 3 SECURE and VITAL Trials. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. [Epub ahead of print]
- Aroner SA, Koch M, Mukamal KJ, Furtado JD, Stein JH, Tattersall MC, McClelland RL, Jensen MK. 2018. High-Density Lipoprotein Subspecies Defined by Apolipoprotein C-III and Subclinical Atherosclerosis Measures: MESA (The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis). J Am Heart Assoc. [Epub ahead of print]
- Ash SY, Rahaghi FN, Come CE, Ross JC, Colon AG, Cardet-Guisasola JC, Dunican EM, Bleecker ER, Castro M, Fahy JV, Fain SB, Gaston BM, Hoffman EA, Jarjour NN, Mauger DT, Wenzel SE, Levy BD, San Jose Estepar R, Israel E, Washko GR. 2018. Pruning of the Pulmonary Vasculature in Asthma: The SARP Cohort. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. [Epub ahead of print]
- Asimakopoulos F. 2018. TIGIT checkpoint inhibition for myeloma. Blood. 132:1629-1630.
- Asthana S, Golden RN. 2018. The Aging Imperative—Innovations in Research, Education, and Care in Geriatric Medicine. WMJ 117(2):92-93.
- Atwood CS, Ekstein SF. 2018. Human versus non-human sex steroid use in hormone replacement therapies part 1: Preclinical data. [Epub ahead of print]
- Aziz F, Chaudhary K. 2018. Lupus Nephritis: A Treatment Update. Curr Clin Pharmacol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Aziz F, Clark D, Garg N, Mandelbrot D, Djamali A. 2018. Hypertension guidelines: How do they apply to kidney transplant recipients. Transplant Rev (Orlando). 32:225-233.
- Aziz F, Garg N, Parajuli S, Djamali A, Stein J, Mandelbrot D. 2018. Lipid lowering in dialysis patients with cardiovascular disease who are awaiting kidney transplantation.Clin Transplant. 2018:e13452.
- Aziz F, Ing TS, Misra M. 2018. Kirpal Singh Chugh (1932-2017). Artif Organs. 42:1015-1016.
- Aziz F, Ing TS, Misra M. 2018. Lee West Henderson (1930-2017). Artif Organs. 42:113-114.
- Bader JC, Bhavnani SM, Andes DR, Ambrose PG. 2018. We can do better: a fresh look at echinocandin dosing. J Antimicrob Chemother. 73:i44-i50.
- Baker TB, Fraser DL, Kobinsky K, Adsit R, Smith SS, Khalil L, Alaniz KM, Sullivan TE, Johnson ML, Fiore MC. 2018. A Randomized Controlled Trial of Financial Incentives to Low Income Pregnant Women to Engage in Smoking Cessation Treatment: Effects on Post-Birth Abstinence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bakula D, Aliper AM, Mamoshina P, Petr MA, Teklu A, Baur JA, Campisi J, Ewald CY, Georgievskaya A, Gladyshev VN, Kovalchuk O, Lamming DW, Luijsterburg MS, Martin-Montalvo A, Maudsley S, Mkrtchyan GV, Moskalev A, Olshansky SJ, Ozerov IV, Pickett A, Ristow M, Zhavoronkov A, Scheibye-Knudsen M. 2018. Aging and drug discovery.Aging (Albany NY). [Epub ahead of print]
- Barata P, Emamekhoo H, Mendiratta P, Koshkin V, Tyler A, Ornstein M, Rini BI, Gilligan T, Kyriakopoulos C, Gracia JA. 2018. Treatment selection for men with metastatic prostate cancer who progress on upfront chemo-hormonal therapy. Prostate. [Epub ahead of print]
- Barnett A, Eckhardt L, Leal MA. 2018. Seal plug damage causing inappropriate detection and therapy in a subcutaneous defibrillator system. Heart Rhythm Case Reports. [Epub ahead of print]
- Barretto KT, Swanson CM, Nguyen CL, Annis DS, Esnault SJ, Mosher DF, Johansson MW. 2018. Control of cytokine-driven eosinophil migratory behavior by TGF-beta-induced protein (TGFBI) and periostin. PLoS One. 13:e0201320.
- Bartels CM, Johnson H, Alcaraz Voelker K, Ogdie A, McBride P, Jacobs EA, Zhao YQ, Smith M. 2018. Frequency and Predictors of Communication About High Blood Pressure in Rheumatoid Arthritis Visits. J Clin Rheumatol. 24(4):210-217.
- Bartels CM, Ramly E, Johnson HM, Lauver DR, Panyard DJ, Li Z, Sampene E, Lewicki K, McBride PE. 2018. Connecting Rheumatology Patients to Primary Care for High Blood Pressure: Specialty clinic protocol improves follow-up and population blood pressures.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). [Epub ahead of print]
- Barton GP, Vildberg L, Goss K, Aggarwal N, Eldridge M, McMillan AB. 2018. Simultaneous determination of dynamic cardiac metabolism and function using PET/MRI. J Nucl Cardiol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Barzgari A, Sojkova J, Maritza Dowling N, Pozorski V, Okonkwo OC, Starks EJ, Oh J, Thiesen F, Wey A, Nicholas CR, Johnson S, Gallagher CL. 2018. Arterial spin labeling reveals relationships between resting cerebral perfusion and motor learning in Parkinson's disease. Brain Imaging Behav. [Epub ahead of print]
- Baubie K, Shaughnessy C, Safdar N. 2018. Exploring patient perceptions of contact precautions. Am J Infect Control. [Epub ahead of print]
- Belitskaya-Levy I, Dysken M, Guarino P, Sano M, Asthana S, Vertrees JE, Pallaki M, Llorente M, Love S, Schellenberg G. 2018. Impact of apolipoprotein E genotypes on vitamin E and memantine treatment outcomes in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 4:344-349.
- Bell EH, Zhang P, Fisher BJ, Macdonald DR, McElroy JP, Lesser GJ, Fleming J, Chakraborty AR, Liu Z, Becker AP, Fabian D, Aldape KD, Ashby LS, Werner-Wasik M, Walker EM, Bahary JP, Kwok Y, Yu HM, Laack NN, Schultz CJ, Gray HJ, Robins HI, Mehta MP, Chakravarti A. 2018. Association of MGMT Promoter Methylation Status With Survival Outcomes in Patients With High-Risk Glioma Treated With Radiotherapy and Temozolomide: An Analysis From the NRG Oncology/RTOG 0424 Trial. JAMA Oncol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bell EJ, Decker PA, Tsai MY, Pankow JS, Hanson NQ, Wassel CL, Larson NB, Cohoon KP, Budoff MJ, Polak JF, Stein JH, Bielinski SJ. 2018. Hepatocyte growth factor is associated with progression of atherosclerosis: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). Atherosclerosis. 272:162-167.
- Beresford TP, Lucey MR. 2018. Introduction to the Special Issue on Alcohol and Liver Transplantation. Alcohol Alcohol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Berg KM, Smith SS, Piper ME, Fiore MC, Jorenby DE. 2018. Identifying Differences in Rates of Invitation to Participate in Tobacco Treatment in Primary Care. WMJ 117:111-115.
- Berkson S, Davis S, Karp Z, Jaffery J, Flood G, Pandhi N. 2018. Medicare shared savings programs: Higher cost accountable care organizations are more likely to achieve savings. Int J Healthcare Mgmt [Epub ahead of print]
- Bernau K, Leet JP, Esnault S, Noll AL, Evans MD, Jarjour NN, Sandbo N. 2018. Eosinophil degranulation products drive a pro-inflammatory fibroblast phenotype. J Allergy Clin Immunol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Berroug J, Korcarz CE, Mitchell CK, Weber JM, Tian L, McDermott MM, Stein JH. 2018. Brachial artery intima-media thickness and grayscale texture changes in patients with peripheral artery disease receiving supervised exercise training in the PROPEL randomized clinical trial. Vasc Med. [Epub ahead of print]
- Berti AD, Shukla N, Rottier AD, McCrone JS, Turner HM, Monk IR, Baines SL, Howden BP, Proctor RA, Rose WE. 2018. Daptomycin selects for genetic and phenotypic adaptations leading to antibiotic tolerance in MRSA. J Antimicrob Chemother. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bessey LJ, Radue RM, Chapman EN, Boyle LL, Shah MN. 2018. Behavioral Health Needs of Older Adults in the Emergency Department. Clin Geriatr Med. 34:469-489.
- Betthauser TJ, Cody KA, Zammit MD, Murali D, Converse AK, Barnhart TE, Stone CK, Rowley HA, Johnson SC, Christian BT. 2018. In vivo characterization and quantification of neurofibrillary tau PET radioligand [(18)F]MK-6240 in humans from Alzheimer's disease dementia to young controls. J Nucl Med. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bines J, Tevaarwerk AJ. 2018. Baby steps: Pregnancy outcomes after human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-targeted therapy. Cancer. [Epub ahead of print]
- Binkley NC, Wiebe DA. 2018. It's time to top prescribing ergocalciferol. Endocr Pract. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bishop C, Yacoob Z, Knobloch MJ, Safdar N. 2018. Community pharmacy interventions to improve antibiotic stewardship and implications for pharmacy education: A narrative overview. Res Social Adm Pharm. S1551-7411(18)30616-8.
- Bjornsson T, Thorolfsdottir RB, Sveinbjornsson G, Sulem P, Norddahl GL, Helgadottir A, Gretarsdottir S, Magnusdottir A, Danielsen R, Sigurdsson EL, Adalsteinsdottir B, Gunnarsson SI, Jonsdottir I, Arnar DO, Helgason H, Gudbjartsson T, Gudbjartsson DF, Thorsteinsdottir U, Holm H, Stefansson K. 2018. A rare missense mutation in MYH6 associates with non-syndromic coarctation of the aorta. Eur Heart J. [Epub ahead of print]
- Blitzer GC, Rosenberg SA, Anderson BM, McCulloch TM, Wieland AM, Hartig GK, Bruce JY, Witek ME, Kimple RJ, Harari PM. 2018. Results From 10 Years of a Free Oral Cancer Screening Clinic at a Major Academic Health Center. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bloom DD, Reshetylo S, Nytes C, Goodsett CT, Hematti P. 2018. Blockade of BAFF Receptor BR3 on T Cells Enhances Their Activation and Cytotoxicity. J Immunother. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brandl K, Hartmann P, Jih LJ, Pizzo DP, Argemi J, Ventura-Cots M, Coulter S, Liddle C, Ling L, Rossi SJ, DePaoli AM, Loomba R, Mehal WZ, Fouts DE, Lucey MR, Bosques-Padilla F, Mathurin P, Louvet A, Garcia-Tsao G, Verna EC, Abraldes JG, Brown RS, Jr., Vargas V, Altamirano J, Caballeria J, Shawcross D, Starkel P, Ho SB, Bataller R, Schnabl B. 2018. Dysregulation of serum bile acids and FGF19 in alcoholic hepatitis. J Hepatol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bratzke LC, Carlson BA, Moon C, Brown RL, Koscik RL, Johnson SC. 2018. Multiple chronic conditions: Implications for cognition - Findings from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention (WRAP). Appl Nurs Res. 42:56-61.
- Bratzke LC, Koscik RL, Schenning KJ, Clark LR, Sager MA, Johnson SC, Hermann BP, Hogan KJ. 2018. Cognitive decline in the middle-aged after surgery and anaesthesia: results from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention cohort.Anaesthesia. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brauer A, Waheed S, Singh T, Maursetter L. 2018. Improvement in Hyperphosphatemia Using Phosphate Education and Planning Talks. J Ren Nutr. [Epub ahead of print]
- Braun AT, Caballero-Eraso C, Lechtzin N. 2018. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and the Respiratory System. Clin Chest Med. 39:391-400.
- Braun RK, Chetty C, Balasubramaniam V, Centanni R, Haraldsdottir K, Hematti P, Eldridge MW. 2018. Intraperitoneal injection of MSC-derived exosomes prevent experimental bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bristol JA, Djavadian R, Albright ER, Coleman CB, Ohashi M, Hayes M, Romero-Masters JC, Barlow EA, Farrell PJ, Rochford R, Kalejta RF, Johannsen EC, Kenney SC. 2018. A cancer-associated Epstein-Barr virus BZLF1 promoter variant enhances lytic infection. PLoS Pathog. 14:e1007179.
- Brown ME, Zhou Y, McIntosh BE, Norman IG, Lou HE, Biermann M, Sullivan JA, Kamp TJ, Thomson JA, Anagnostopoulos PV, Burlingham WJ. 2018. A Humanized Mouse Model Generated Using Surplus Neonatal Tissue. Stem Cell Reports. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bruno D, Gleason CE, Koscik RL, Pomara N, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Johnson SC. 2018. The recency ratio is related to CSF Amyloid Beta 1-42 levels in MCI-AD. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. [Epub ahead of print]
- Bruno D, Koscik RL, Woodard JL, Pomara N, Johnson SC. 2018. The recency ratio as predictor of early MCI. Int Psychogeriatr. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brunstein CG, Pasquini MC, Kim S, Fei M, Adekola K, Ahmed I, Aljurf M, Agrawal V, Auletta JJ, Battiwalla M, Bejanyan N, Bubalo J, Cerny J, Chee L, Ciurea SO, Freytes C, Gadalla SM, Gale RP, Ganguly S, Hashmi SK, Hematti P, Hildebrandt G, Holmberg LA, Lahoud OB, Landau H, Lazarus HM, de Lima M, Mathews V, Maziarz R, Nishihori T, Norkin M, Olsson R, Reshef R, Rotz S, Savani B, Schouten HC, Seo S, Wirk BM, Yared J, Mineishi S, Rogosheske J, Perales MA. 2018. The Effect of Conditioning Regimen Dose Reduction in Obese Patients Undergoing Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brynildsrud OB, Pepperell CS, Suffys P, Grandjean L, Monteserin J, Debech N, Bohlin J, Alfsnes K, Pettersson JO, Kirkeleite I, Fandinho F, da Silva MA, Perdigao J, Portugal I, Viveiros M, Clark T, Caws M, Dunstan S, Thai PVK, Lopez B, Ritacco V, Kitchen A, Brown TS, van Soolingen D, O'Neill MB, Holt KE, Feil EJ, Mathema B, Balloux F, Eldholm V. 2018. Global expansion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage 4 shaped by colonial migration and local adaptation. Sci Adv. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brys N, Keating JA, Knobloch MJ, Safdar N. 2018. Engaging patients in health care epidemiology research: A case example. Am J Infect Control. [Epub ahead of print]
- Brys NA, Whittle J, Safdar N. 2018. Development of a veteran engagement toolkit for researchers. J Comp Eff Res. [Epub ahead of print]
- Buehring B, Hansen KE, Lewis BL, Cummings SR, Lane NE, Binkley N, Ensrud KE, Cawthon PM. 2018. Dysmobility Syndrome Independently Increases Fracture Risk in the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Prospective Cohort Study. J Bone Miner Res. [Epub ahead of print]
- Buhl R, FitzGerald JM, Busse WW. 2018. Tiotropium add-on to inhaled corticosteroids versus addition of long-acting beta2-agonists for adults with asthma. Respir Med. 143:82-90.
- Burgess-Hull A, Roberts L, Piper M, Baker T. 2018. The Social Networks of Smokers Attempting to Quit: An Empirically Derived and Validated Classification. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 32(1):64-75.
- Burkard ME, Golden RN. 2018. Shared Knowledge in Precision Cancer Care. Wmj. 2018; 117:178-179.
- Burns LJ, Abbetti B, Arnold SD, Bender J, Doughtie S, El-Jawahiri A, Gee G, Hahn T, Horowitz MM, Johnson S, Juckett M, Krishnamurit L, Kullberg S, LeMaistre CF, Loren A, Majhail NS, Murphy EA, Rizzo D, Roche-Green A, Saber W, Schatz BA, Schmit-Pokorny K, Shaw BE, Syrjala KL, Tierney DK, Ullrich C, Vanness DJ, Wood WA, Denzen EM. 2018. Engaging Patients in Setting a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Agenda in Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. [Epub ahead of print]
- Busse W, Chupp G, Nagase H, Albers FC, Doyle S, Shen Q, Bratton DJ, Gunsoy NB. 2018. Anti-IL5 treatments in severe asthma by blood eosinophil thresholds: indirect treatment comparison. J Allergy Clin Immunol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Busse WW, Bateman ED, Caplan AL, Kelly HW, O'Byrne PM, Rabe KF, Chinchilli VM. 2018. Combined Analysis of Asthma Safety Trials of Long-Acting beta2-Agonists. N Engl J Med. 378:2497-2505.
- Busse WW, Bleecker ER, FitzGerald JM, Ferguson GT, Barker P, Sproule S, Olsson RF, Martin UJ, Goldman M. 2018. Long-term safety and efficacy of benralizumab in patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma: 1-year results from the BORA phase 3 extension trial. Lancet Respir Med. [Epub ahead of print]
- Busse WW, Brusselle GG, Korn S, Kuna P, Magnan A, Cohen D, Bowen K, Piechowiak T, Wang MM, Colice G. 2018. Tralokinumab did not demonstrate oral corticosteroid-sparing effects in severe asthma. Eur Respir J. [Epub ahead of print]
- Busse WW. 2018. Are peripheral blood eosinophil counts a guideline for omalizumab treatment? STELLAIR says no! Eur Respir J. [Epub ahead of print]
- Busse WW. 2018. Biological treatments for severe asthma: where do we stand? Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Busse WW. 2018. The atopic march: Fact or folklore? Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 120:116-118.
- Butz A, Byars-Winston A, Leverett P, Branchaw J, Pfund C. 2018. Promoting STEM trainee research self-efficacy: A mentor training intervention. Understanding Interventions Journal. 9(1).
- Butz AR, Spencer K, Thayer-Hart N, Cabrera IE, Byars-Winston A. 2018. Mentors’ motivation to address race/ethnicity in research mentoring relationships. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. [Epub ahead of print]
- Buu A, Hu YH, Piper ME, Lin HC. 2018. The association between e-cigarette use characteristics and combustible cigarette consumption and dependence symptoms: Results from a national longitudinal study. Addict Behav. 84:69-74.
- Byars-Winston A, Rogers JG. 2018. Testing intersectionality of race/ethnicity × gender in a social-cognitive career theory model with science identity. J Couns Psychol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Byrd JC, Ruppert AS, Heerema NA, Halvorson AE, Hoke E, Smith MR, Godwin JE, Couban S, Fehniger TA, Thirman MJ, Tallman MS, Appelbaum FR, Stone RM, Robinson S, Chang JE, Mandrekar SJ, Larson RA. 2018. Lenalidomide consolidation benefits patients with CLL receiving chemoimmunotherapy: results for CALGB 10404 (Alliance). Blood Adv. 2:1705-1718.
- Caldera F, Farraye FA, Kane S. 2018. The Who and Why of Herpes Zoster Vaccination in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. [Epub ahead of print]
- Caldera F, Misch EA, Saha S, Wald A, Zhang Y, Hubers J, Megna B, Ley D, Reichelderfer M, Hayney MS. 2018. Immunosuppression Does Not Affect Antibody Concentrations to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Dig Dis Sci. [Epub ahead of print]
- Caldera F, Saha S, Wald A, Garmoe CA, McCrone S, Megna B, Ley D, Reichelderfer M, Hayney MS. 2018. Lower Sustained Diphtheria and Pertussis Antibody Concentrations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients. Dig Dis Sci. [Epub ahead of print]
- Carlin AF, Abeles S, Chin NA, Lin GY, Young M, Vinetz JM. 2018. Case Report: A Common Source Outbreak of Anisakidosis in the United States and Postexposure Prophylaxis of Family Collaterals. Am J Trop Med Hyg. [Epub ahead of print]
- Carnes M. 2018. The American College of Physicians Is Working Hard to Achieve Gender Equity, and Everyone Will Benefit. Ann Intern Med. [Epub ahead of print]
- Castro M, Corren J, Pavord ID, Maspero J, Wenzel S, Rabe KF, Busse WW, Ford L, Sher L, FitzGerald JM, Katelaris C, Tohda Y, Zhang B, Staudinger H, Pirozzi G, Amin N, Ruddy M, Akinlade B, Khan A, Chao J, Martincova R, Graham NMH, Hamilton JD, Swanson BN, Stahl N, Yancopoulos GD, Teper A. 2018. Dupilumab Efficacy and Safety in Moderate-to-Severe Uncontrolled Asthma. N Engl J Med. [Epub ahead of print]
- Catino AB, Hubbard RA, Chirinos JA, Townsend R, Keefe S, Haas NB, Puzanov I, Fang JC, Agarwal N, Hyman D, Smith AM, Gordon M, Plappert T, Englefield V, Narayan V, Ewer S, ElAmm C, Lenihan D, Ky B. 2018. Longitudinal Assessment of Vascular Function With Sunitinib in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. Circ Heart Fail. 11:e004408.
- Chaddha A, Smith MA, Palta M, Johnson HM. 2018. Hypertension control after an initial cardiac event among Medicare patients with diabetes mellitus: A multidisciplinary group practice observational study. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). [Epub ahead of print]
- Chamcheu JC, Siddiqui IA, Adhami VM, Esnault S, Bharali DJ, Babatunde AS, Adame S, Massey RJ, Wood GS, Longley BJ, Mousa SA, Mukhtar H. 2018. Chitosan-based nanoformulated (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) modulates human keratinocyte-induced responses and alleviates imiquimod-induced murine psoriasiform dermatitis. Int J Nanomedicine. 13:4189-4206.
- Chen L-S, Zawertaillo L, Piasecki TM, Kapiro J, Foreman M, Elliott HR, David SP, Bergen AW, Baurley JW, TyndaleRF, Baker TB, Bierut LJ, Saccone NL. 2018. Leveraging Genomic Data In Smoking Cessation Trials In the Era of Precision Medicine: Why and How. Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 20(4):414-424.
- Chen LS, Baker TB, Korpecki JM, Johnson KE, Hook JP, Brownson RC, Bierut LJ. 2018. Low-Burden Strategies to Promote Smoking Cessation Treatment Among Patients With Serious Mental Illness. Psychiatr Serv. [Epub ahead of print]
- Chen LS, Hartz SM, Baker TB, Ma Y, N LS, Bierut LJ. 2018. Use of polygenic risk scores of nicotine metabolism in predicting smoking behaviors. Pharmacogenomics. [Epub ahead of print]
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