Three Department of Medicine faculty awarded at 2022 ACTS meeting

Three Department of Medicine faculty were recently recognized at Translational Science, the annual meeting of the Association for Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) held April 20-22, 2022, in Chicago, Illinois.
William Busse, MD, emeritus professor, Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, received the ACTS Edward H. Ahrens, Jr. Distinguished Investigator Award. Dr. Busse’s 40-year NIH-funded career has had a sustained impact on the knowledge, understanding, and prevention of asthma. His contributions include developing a human model for virus-provoked asthma; leading the NIH Inner City Asthma Grant, a $70 million endeavor to determine the causes of greater prevalence and severity of asthma among inner-city children; and evaluating the effects of the anti-lgE monoclonal antibody, omalizumab, on a large population of treatment-resistant, high-risk, inner-city children.
Angela Byars-Winston, PhD, professor, General Internal Medicine, was awarded the ACTS Clinical and Translational Research Distinguished Educator Award: Mentorship Innovation. Dr. Byars-Winston has led national studies on mentorship in clinical and translational research and STEMM. Her work on cultural influences in mentorship has a reaching impact on the quality and inclusivity of clinical translational science
Jane Mahoney, MD, professor, Geriatrics and Gerontology, received the ACTS Distinguished Investigator: Translation from Proof of Concept to Widespread Clinical Practice Award. Dr. Mahoney’s dissemination and implementation science research in improving human health and reducing falls among the elderly has had national and international reach. Her expertise was used for Stepping On, a group-based, multifactorial falls intervention program, and Pisando Fuerte, a cultural and linguistic adaptation for Hispanic older adults.
Read the full article from UW ICTR
Adapted from an article by Laura Hogan, UW ICTR