Outreach specialist Roger Dier speaks at tobacco cessation event in Fond du Lac

Businesses and the housing sector can play an active role in helping people who want to quit smoking, say tobacco cessation experts.
Roger Dier, senior outreach specialist, General Internal Medicine and UW Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention, was mentioned in news coverage about a tobacco cessation event for the public on November 16, 2017 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.
Dier presented a talk that explained how adverse childhood experiences can impact tobacco use rates and quitting, described current FDA-approved quit medications, and illustrated how businesses can implement a FAX to Quit Program.
Other presentation topics at the event offered information to housing owners and managers about implementing smoke-free housing policies, how communities can support public health policies that fight tobacco addiction in children and youth, and updates on the toll of tobacco addition on the state of Wisconsin.
A recent report estimated that more than 7,000 people die annually in Wisconsin due to tobacco-related causes.
- "Five Counties for Tobacco-Free Living host annual breakfast," Fond du Lac Reporter, November 24, 2017