Improving financial stewardship through technology

Ron Ravel

Amy Johnson

Ronald Ravel, CPA (pictured at upper right), associate administrator - Finance, and Amy Johnson, CPA (pictured at lower wright), accountant, presented a poster entitled "Leveraging Technology to Improve Financial Stewardship" at the UW Office of Quality Improvement's 18th annual Improvement Showcase on April 5, 2017. Mr. Ravel also presented a brief talk about the project.

The UW Improvement Showcase is an annual event where colleagues from across the UW-Madison campus connect with each other to share best practices and innovative ideas. 

The poster presented by Mr. Ravel and Ms. Johnson described CATT, a financial management dashboard developed and used by the department for financial management of research grants. The system features at-a-glance data views, tools to facilitate communication among the department and partners, standardized action item workflows, tracking, automation of some processes, and standardization of grant closeout processes. The system has improved efficiency, increased transparency, and encouraged collaboration.
