Graduation ceremony celebrates 2023 internal medicine residency graduates

The Department of Medicine celebrated its 2023 internal medicine residency graduation with a ceremony at the University of Wisconsin Memorial Union on June 9, 2023.
“It was a wonderful celebration of this outstanding class,” says residency director Andy Coyle, MD. “They had the challenge of navigating a residency experience that was thoroughly disrupted by COVID and COVID–related restrictions, but have shown remarkable perseverance and growth, and leave us as excellent clinicians we’re proud to call graduates of our program.”
The ceremony opened with remarks by Lynn Schnapp, MD, department chair, and Dr. Coyle. They were followed by featured speaker Sean O'Neill, MD, associate residency director and associate clinical professor, Hospital Medicine, as well as a presentation of the following awards.
Awards presented to trainees
The TEACH Pathway and Distinction Class of 2023 honors residents who showed their commitment and dedication to medical education by engaging in extra hours of conferences and journal clubs, by having their teaching directly observed and receiving feedback, and for those in the Pathway by completing an education capstone project. This year’s TEACH Distinction Residents are Christopher Anderson, MD, Amy Bier, MD, Eric Mehlhaff, MD, and Ran Tao, MD. The TEACH Pathway Residents are Caroline Burkey, MD, Kelsey Holbert, MD, Michael Houghan, MD, and Maggie Walker, MD, MPH.
This year’s Global Health Pathway graduate, Amy Bier, MD, participated in research and a curriculum focused on fostering cultural humility and caring for individuals in resource-poor settings.
This year’s Health Equity Pathway graduates have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the pathway’s pillars: advocacy, equity, scholarship, community and humility. In addition to participating in workshops, completing curriculum, developing advocacy projects and engaging with community programs these residents each also completed a service project. This year’s graduates are Vincent Borkowski, MD, PhD, and Kelsey Holbert, MD.
The Chief’s Awards are awarded by the chief residents to recognize residents who go above and beyond to help their colleagues and the residency program.
• PGY1: Allison Giuffre, MD, and Sean Mortenson, MD
• PGY2: Keshvi Chauhan, MBBS, and Molly Cole, MD
• PGY3: Jonny Katz, MD, and Kevin Titus, MD
The following trainee awards were based on votes by residents and/or faculty.
The Larry Crocker, MD, Generalism Award. Dr. Larry Crocker was a member of the Division of General Internal Medicine. Prior to his retirement in 2007 at the age of 75, he was an outstanding role model for numerous UW faculty members. Dr. Crocker was a skilled and compassionate physician, dedicated to providing the best care for his patients. He passed away in 2012. The recipient of this award is recognized by current division members as someone who embodies Dr. Crocker’s principles of patient care. This year, the Division of General Internal Medicine recognizes Michael Houghan, MD, for his outstanding commitment to the practice of General Internal Medicine.
The Sunde Award. David Sunde had a multisystem illness that required the care of three physicians working closely together, coordinating their efforts and involving the patient and family in the process. As a consequence of this interaction, Dave and his employer, Ohmeda Corporation, established a fund with the goal of recognizing the importance of the human touch in medicine in our highly technological era. This award comes with a gift that the donors ask to be used to honor and teach residents the importance of putting one’s personal ego aside, working as a team, and treating a patient not just as someone who is an ‘interesting case” but a full-fledged human being. This year’s Sunde award goes to Michaella Reif, MD.
The Sobby Mathew Award is given to an intern who is hard-working, open-minded, supportive, selfless, and who demonstrates compassion and a caring attitude for their patients. Sobby Mathew was taken from us prematurely in a car accident at the end of her PG-1 year. She had been a strong role model in her congregation and local Indian community. She was widely admired by her peers and faculty for being so comforting to her patients and their advocate. Her service and volunteerism were conducted with selflessness and a genuine eternal optimism toward the power of humanity to do good. This year’s Sobby Mathew award winner is Janki Mistry, MD.
The Wellness Promotion Award is awarded to a graduating resident who has shown consistent care and love for their fellow residents, extending joy and compassion, through their actions. It is intended to honor a resident who improves well-being, and fosters connection and warmth in our community. This year’s award goes to Amy Bier, MD.
The Resident Advocacy Award goes to the resident who has made significant contributions to the institution and/or community by advocating for structural change to promote health equity and/or improve patient health outcomes. This year’s recipient is Kelsey Holbert, MD.
The Resident Teaching Award goes to the resident who offered excellence in teaching the principles and practice of Internal Medicine. This year’s award goes to a particularly dedicated and outstanding educator, Devon Miller, MD.
The Fellow Teaching Award goes to a current fellow who has shown excellence in the education of interns and residents. This year’s award goes to Brandon Temte, DO.
Awards presented to faculty members and clinicians
The Research Mentorship Award goes to a faculty member who has demonstrated outstanding professionalism and excellence in mentoring resident researchers during their training. This year’s recipient is Freddy Caldera, DO, MS, associate professor, Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
The Patient-Centered Award goes to a faculty member who embodies the best examples of empathy, humanism in patient-centered communication, and shared decision-making. This year’s award goes to Farah Kaiksow, MD, MPP, assistant professor, Hospital Medicine.
The Professionalism Award goes to a faculty member that you think best demonstrated some of the following characteristics-altruism; accountability to patients, the public and his/her profession; commitment to excellence; a sense of duty, honor and integrity; humanism, empathy and a respect for others. This year’s award goes to Christopher Hildebrand, MD, clinical professor, General Internal Medicine.
The Faculty Excellence in Teaching Award goes to a faculty member who offered the best opportunity to learn or the best overall teacher in the Department of Medicine. This year’s award goes to Andy Coyle, MD, internal medicine residency director and associate professor, General Internal Medicine.
The Physician’s Physician Award goes to the faculty member who you would send your family member to or would go to yourself. This is someone you trust in terms on medical knowledge, diagnostic and treatment, and dedication to patient care. This year’s award goes to Tom Shiffler, MD, associate clinical professor, General Internal Medicine.
The Special Recognition Award goes to a healthcare provider who has consistently offered education from their area of expertise to the department’s internal medicine residents. This year’s award goes to two individuals: Diana Gloria, BSN, RN, and Ross Pinter PA-C.
Congratulations to all the graduating residents (pictured in banner photo) and award recipients!