Dr. James Stein comments on direct-to-consumer genomic test for familial hypercholesterolemia

Dr. James Stein

In response to the release of a direct-to-consumer DNA test for familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) by startup company Color Genomics, Forbes Magazine reported on concern about the likelihood of expensive over-testing. 

While FH causes extremely high cholesterol levels and increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, cholesterol screening tests are so cheap and so readily available that some cardiologists are questioning the value of more expensive DNA testing. 

The story quoted James Stein, MD, professor, Cardiovascular Medicine and Robert Turell Professor of Cardiovascular Research. 

“There is a perfect storm right now of interest in genetic testing and unlocking its scientific power with availability of new expensive drugs for high cholesterol, patient advocacy (industry-sponsored), and physician champions,” wrote Dr. Stein. “Practice has outpaced the science rapidly."
