Falls Prevention in Communities

Jane Mahoney, MD, is a physician who leads a long-standing community research program that focuses on reducing the frequency of falls among older adults living in their homes.

Dr. Jane Mahoney

Beyond the Hospital

Dr. Mahoney has evaluated the risk of falls after hospital discharge and the association between falls and impaired cognition. She has also conducted randomized trials of community-based multifactorial interventions to reduce falls, and dissemination and implementation research on the ‘Stepping On’ falls prevention program that is now used across Wisconsin and 23 other states.

She has also conducted research to improve adoption and implementation of evidence-based self-management programs for older adults in community settings.

Patient taking a practice walk in clinic

Community Academic Aging Research Network

Dr. Mahoney is also the director of the Community Academic Aging Research Network (CAARN), which facilitates collaborations between university researchers and social service providers throughout Wisconsin’s Aging Network to develop, test, and disseminate behavioral interventions to improve the health of older adults, including underrepresented groups.


View a list of Dr. Mahoney's publications.