Innovative Care and Diabetes Education

We provide comprehensive care for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetes complications. This includes a a diabetes education program and state-of-the-art continuous glucose monitoring. Our innovative inpatient diabetes management service, founded in 2001, manages patients’ glucose levels during hospitalization and empowers patients to manage their own care after discharge.

Doctors Anna Heimbecher, and Maggie Steingraber-Pharr consult at bedside

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Visit the UW Health website to find a doctor, learn more about our clinical services, or find a clinical trial.

Specialized Care for Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease

We provide bone densitometry, specialized therapy and education for patients with metabolic bone disease at the multidisciplinary Osteoporosis Clinical Center

A Referral Center for Endocrine Disorders

We are the regional referral center for patients with thyroid diseases, including cancer, adrenal disorders, pituitary disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome. Our faculty co-lead thyroid and pituitary clinics together with surgeons to provide multidisciplinary care for patients with thyroid cancer and pituitary tumors.

Endocrinologist in clinic
Exterior photo of UW Health University Hospital
Exterior photo of UW Health University Hospital

Are You a Referring Physician?

Visit the UW Health website for complete resources on outpatient referrals and acute inpatient transfers and admissions.