Meghan Brennan, MD, MS
1685 Highland Ave 4263
Madison WI 53705-2281
Dr. Meghan Brennan is a faculty member in the Division of Infectious Disease within the Department of Medicine. She is a member of the Preventing Amputations in Veterans Everywhere (PAVE) Committee at the William S. Middleton Memorial VA Hospital. Dr. Brennan is a recipient of the 2017 Association of America Medical Colleges (AAMC) Early Career Women Faculty Leadership Development Seminar Awardee.
Dr. Brennen’s clinical specialties are general infectious disease and the treatment and management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers.
View Dr. Meghan Brennan’s publications on NCBI My Bibliography
Dr. Brennan’s research focuses on the management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers. She co-directs the Madison VA’s diabetic foot ulcer clinic, a team of infectious disease providers and podiatrists working together to achieve limb salvage. She also conducts health services research on diabetic foot ulcers, specifically focusing on gaps in care amenable to health service interventions, and improving PCP-specialists and specialist-specialist collaboration to address this multifaceted problem.