Would you like to make a difference in the health of our nation’s children?
The Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) research study invites you to join us in enhancing the health of children for generations to come.
The goal of the ECHO study is to help understand and address how the environment and things that happen early in children’s lives—even before they are born—affect their development, health and well-being. ECHO is dedicated to both learning what factors affect child health and to finding ways to enhance it.

Important Study Details
The goal of the ECHO study is to understand the effects of a broad range of early environmental factors (like diet, exercise, and chemicals found in the environment) affect child health and development.
- If you decide to participate and qualify for the study, you will participate in several visits at the UW Hospital and Clinics lasting around two hours for up to six years.
- The ECHO study is an observational cohort study and will observe influences that affect children’s health as they grow and develop. We will not ask you or your child to change any medications or take a study drug.
- Participants will be compensated for their time and effort.
- Participation in research studies is voluntary. Your decision to participate in this study will in no way impact the care from your healthcare providers.
Enrollment Criteria
This study will follow mothers and their children starting in the prenatal period up to the child’s 6th year of life. Expectant mothers who meet the following criteria may be eligible to enroll:
- Are 18 years of age or older
- Are less than 20 weeks pregnant
- Plan to deliver in Madison, WI
What Does Participation Involve?
Study activities include completing research visits and online surveys twice during your pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimesters), twice during your baby’s first year of life, and then annually until the study ends.
For your participation, you will receive up to $100 after each in-person visit and $50 for study activities completed at home.
More About the ECHO Study
ECHO is a research study sponsored by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH).
ECHO expects the number of participants to be approximately 60,000 children and almost as many primary caregivers over the course of the ECHO Program.
ECHO aims to enhance the health of children and adolescents through research that may help inform healthcare practices, programs, and policies, and create a culture that helps teams of child health researchers work together to achieve the best results.
The ECHO Program studies five areas of health: pre-, peri- and postnatal (pregnancy and birth), upper and lower airway (breathing), obesity (body weight), neurodevelopment (brain development) and positive health (well-being).
Researchers from over 50 locations across the US are involved in ECHO.
For more information about ECHO or to enroll in the study:
- Call us at (608) 228-9590 or email ECHO@medicine.wisc.edu
- Fill out the intake questionnaire
- Download the ECHO study consent form
- Visit ECHO's public website