Individualized Support

We know mentorship is imperative in guiding the next generation of academically oriented subspecialists, and we have a program in place to support your career planning and development.

Our graduates tout their mentorship as one of the most valuable experiences in our program.

Dr. Ann Marie Singh mentors a fellow in the lab

Mentorship Structure

You’ll match with a mentor early in your training through a series of meet and greets where you can assess similar interests.

You’ll meet with your mentor regularly based on your needs. This relationship is longitudinal and can ideally evolve into a peer mentorship as you progress in your career.

You also can form relationships with mentors outside our fellowship and division through partnerships with the UW School of Medicine and Public Health, other schools at UW-Madison, and UW Health.

The Ways We Mentor You

Career Development

Pair with a faculty member to support your general career development during training and beyond. Career mentors provide guidance on building a CV and portfolio, applying to jobs, seeking out a career path in the field, and other geneal guidance as training progresses.

Quality Improvement

Participate in the Department of Medicine’s QI Curriculum for Fellowship and present at the UW Health QI Symposium.


Throughout your fellowship, you'll meet regularly with a Scientific Oversight Committee comprising at least three faculty members inside and outside the fellowship program. This committee reviews your scientific progress and provides research and career advice, including job placement assistance.