Nizar Jarjour, MD, co-leads research with the Center for Healthy Minds to uncover connections between asthma and Alzheimer’s disease

Together with researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison’s Center for Healthy Minds, Nizar Jarjour, MD, professor and chief, Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, will investigate how and why chronic inflammatory diseases like asthma can compromise brain health and increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
The five-year study is supported by a $3.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health and will use a combination of brain imaging, blood-based biomarkers and animal models of Alzheimer’s disease and asthma to identify links between systemic inflammation and neuroinflammation by measuring changes in brain immune cells associated with airway inflammation.
Read the full story from the Center for Healthy Minds.
Banner: Nizar Jarjour, MD, in front of University Hospital. Credit: Clint Thayer/Department of Medicine.