A Leader in Preventive Cardiology

Founded in 1964, our preventive cardiology program was the first of its kind at a U.S. academic medical center and remains a national leader today.

We round out traditional clinical services, including an expert lipid clinic, with state-of-the-art exercise facilities, nutritional counseling, and screening for subclinical atherosclerosis.

Preventive cardiology physicians in clinic

National Certification and Recognition

U.S. News & World Report rated UW Health University Hospital as high performing in cardiology services.

The UW Health Advanced Hypertension Clinic is one of only 17 comprehensive centers certified by the American Heart Association.

Our cardiac, peripheral arterial disease and atrial fibrillation rehabilitation programs have been nationally recognized for innovation and effectiveness. 

We also are the anchor of the UW Health Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention Program, a unique collaboration with our Inherited Arrhythmias Clinic and Heart Failure and Transplant Programs.

Unique Specialty Care for Inherited Arrhythmias

The UW Health inherited arrhythmias program brings together expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of primary arrhythmia diseases and many familial forms of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies. Adult and pediatric cardiology faculty work together in this unique specialty program.

Overhead photo of five cardiologists in white coats in a clinic huddle

Are You a Patient?

Visit the UW Health website to find a doctor, learn more about our clinical services, or find a clinical trial.

A Multidisciplinary STEMI Program With Exceptional Outcomes

Nationally recognized for exceptional, evidence-based patient outcomes, our ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) program uses helicopter transport and onboard emergency physicians to reach a broad urban and rural population.

This program is also closely linked to our clinical cardiovascular regenerative medicine program, in which internationally renowned investigators conduct early- and late-stage cell-based and gene therapy trials for patients who have had recent or advanced MIs.

Two cardiologists in masks, caps and gowns working in the cath lab

Internationally Recognized for Heart Failure Care and Transplantation

The UW Health Heart Failure and Heart Transplant programs are known worldwide for innovation and excellence. State-of-the-art interventions include ventricular assist device implantation by lateral thoracotomy, total artificial heart implantation, and circulatory death donation for heart transplant. 

Our faculty also lead nationally known clinical research in stem-cell therapy, vagal nerve stimulation and drug discovery for heart failure treatment.

Physician and patient with stethoscope

Centralized Care for Fainting Spells and Falls

At the multidisciplinary UW Health Faint and Fall Clinic, our faculty provide timely evaluation and management of patients with unexplained fainting spells or falls, collaborating in real time as needed with neurology and geriatrics colleagues. 

Exterior photo of UW Health University Hospital
Exterior photo of UW Health University Hospital

Are You a Referring Physician?

Visit the UW Health website for complete resources on outpatient referrals and acute inpatient transfers and admissions.